Chapter 5: Someday The Nightmare Will End

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Romy is laying in bed with her eyes still open. She is still thinking about the death of her little sister a few days ago. She looked at her phone to see the time. "It is 11:20 AM... I haven't even slept this night..." she said as she lays down her phone again. "Why can't I just have a normal life... Will this curse ever end?" she asked herself as she sits up on her bed. "There must be a way to reverse time right?" she asked herself as she grabbed a picture of Poppy in her hands. "I must find a way to reverse that terrible night... Just to get you back little sis..." Romy said as she gets tears in her eyes. She stood up and put down the picture on her bedside again. "I need to have a way to find someone with time or time travel magic, but who?" she asked herself as she stood in front of the mirror. She looked at the scratch on her eye. "Am I really a monster?" Romy asked herself as she became a little depressed at that moment. "I don't know where to start searching... Maybe mom knows!" she said as she walked to her clothes closet and takes a green skirt, black tights, black hoodie, and green shoes out and puts them on. She walked to her bedside, grabbed her phone and walked out of her bedroom towards the stairs. "Yasmine, what is going on? Why is that demon free?" a woman voice said as Romy heard it and came down the stairs slowly. Lola stood there a bit worried. "Why didn't you tell me, Yasmine?" Lola asked Yasmine as Romy came walking into the kitchen. Lola looked over to Romy. "Oh, Romy how are you?" Lola asked Romy as Romy opened the fridge. "Not ok... Not at all..." Romy said as she closed the fridge and sat down at the kitchen table. Lola looked towards the stairs. "Where is Poppy?" Lola asked as she turned back to them. Yasmine started to tear up while Romy started hugging her. "Something happened to her... She is no longer alive is she?" Lola asked Romy. Romy looked up at Lola. "No, and that is all because of me..." Romy said as she calmed her mom down. "Because of me, she got killed by the police..." Romy said as she looked out of the window. "All this is my fault..." she said. Lola looked at Romy. "This was never your fault..." Lola said. "It is the fault of the prison from the Vampire World!" Lola said to Romy. Romy looked at Lola. "How do you know about the Vampire World?!" she asked confused. Vampire wings appeared on Lola's back. "I know about the Vampire World because I came from the Vampire World!" Lola said. "And so are you!" Romy looked with a shock towards Lola. "You are a vampire too?! Do you also have the curse then?!" Romy asked. Lola sat down at the kitchen table. "I don't have the curse... The curse you have is something your grandmother had to deal with when she got it as the first person of the Dobbins family!" Lola said. "Did you know my grandmother?" Romy asked Lola. She looked down at the table. "I indeed knew your grandmother, but the day she died to that sickness was the most terrible day of my life..." Lola said slowly. "My parents got killed when I was only four years old and from that moment your grandmother took care of me, but she got sick and that sickness became her too much..." she said as she got tears in her eyes. Lola saw the letter and also the logo on it. "Who sent that letter?" she asked. Romy looked at the letter and then at Lola. "We don't know it was here and there is no name on it," Romy said. Lola grabbed the letter and read it. "This is the warning about Kelly Razor... She escaped the most secured prison!" Lola said as she looked at them both. "This is bad... This is really bad!" Lola said...

After a few minutes, they still sat at the kitchen table. "What can we do? She already has the Celestial Cannon and my troops... There is no way we can ever defeat them all and that device all at once!" Lola said as she started to think of a plan. Romy looked at Lola. "We'll have to find help from the Vampire World!" Romy suggested. Yasmine stood near the table. "They won't help us with this problem even tho they caused this..." Lola said. Romy just started thinking about her plan from before again. "I had a plan before, but I do not think it is a good plan actually..." Romy said. Lola and Yasmine looked at Romy. "What plan did you think about?" Lola asked her. "There must be someone out there that can use magic right?" Romy asked Lola. "Yes, but why do you want help from someone who can use magic?" Lola asked. "I want to use a time reverse or a time travel spell... To bring back Poppy!" Romy said. Yasmine looked at Romy. "Are you crazy?! That magic is very dangerous! It can be dangerous once you come back!" her mom said. Romy looked at her. "You do not know how it feels to lose your own little sister because of your own fault!" Romy said as she stood up and looked angry towards them. "I can no longer live without her around me! I want her back whatever it takes!" Romy said as she put her hands on the table. "I need her by my side... She was there to help me, so I'm now gonna do something in return!" she said as she walked out of the kitchen towards the stairs. Yasmine looked at Romy. "You know it is dangerous and you might do something that will make a huge difference to this future..." Yasmine said right before Romy went up to the stairs. Romy looked at her mom. "You don't want your youngest daughter back do you, mom?" Romy said as she looked at her. "Help me with this... Do it at least for me..." Romy said as she walked upstairs. Yasmine looked at Lola. "What can we do Lola?" Yasmine said as she sat down with her hands in her hair. Lola looked from the stairs to Yasmine. "We can at least help Romy with bringing Poppy back..." Lola said. Yasmine looked at Lola. "Do you really think that will work?" Yasmine said. "Let's first convince Romy to get help from the Vampire World, if we get their help this plan might work, they can attack the Celestial Cannon to keep Kelly and her men distracted!" Lola said. Yasmine looked up at Lola. "That is a good idea sister!" Yasmine said. "AAAAAAAGH!!!! OOOOWW!!!" Romy yelled in pain from upstairs as a lot of noise of falling things could be heard from the kitchen. Yasmine and Lola stood up and ran upstairs.

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This was Chapter 5: Someday The Nightmare Will End!
I hope you all liked this chapter as from here on it will become more intense and epic!
What has happened to Romy? Will they succeed in their missions? What is Kelly's real intention with the Celestial Cannon? You'll read it in Chapter 6 and further!
If you want to you can vote and leave feedback, tips, and tops in the comments, so that I can improve on this book!
Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments. It really helps me out producing more storylines and books!

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