Chapter 8

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December 24th

The wedding is set to happen in a week.

Dorian has been solely focused on planning everything, he says it has to be perfect. The ceremony is all what matters to him and it's all he talks about.

My dress was brought yesterday, among some few other models for me to choose, previously selected by Dorian. Had it been on my power, I would had thrown them all out of the window.

They were all of his liking, but he still gave me the liberty of choosing which one to wear, only because the groom isn't supposed to see the dress before the wedding. He believes that would bring us bad luck.

When I was younger, I dreamed of a fairy tale wedding, using my mother's dress and getting delivered to the altar by my father, to marry the love of my life.
Now all I get is a pompous ceremony to marry the man I hate the most, accompanied with people I don't even know.

The thought of making a scene and telling everyone I had been kidnapped two years ago by Dorian crossed my mind after he explained to me that his closest friends and family would attend.

Until last night, when I received an ultimatum.
Dorian told me that if he caught me doing or attempting to do anything, he'd send some of his men to a trip to my parents house in the U.S., to kill them. All my plans crumbled at the very thought of my parents being harmed.

So now, I'm sitting here listening to Christmas songs watching how Relya decorates the tree while Dorian is doing God knows what. I haven't seen him since earlier today, he left the house in a hurry even after waking me up. He said he'd be back shortly to adorn the tree with me like we did last year, but it's not like I feel disappointed for his absence.

I am free of surveillance from him and I can mourn all I want. Mourn for another Christmas without my family, mourn the prolongation of a life shared with Dorian. Mourn for all the rights I lost.


A sharp tug on my hair woke me up from my unconscious state.
And Dorian, who still had his claws intertwined between my hair, was looking at me like I had just stepped on his foot.

Apparently I had fallen asleep, completely forgetting about Dorian instructions that he gave me before leaving. I was supposed to dress up and curl my hair like I usually do for special occasions.

And I knew the reason behind his current anger. His parents will arrive later in the evening, so was expecting me to look flawless even before he came back. I've met them before, at Dorian's birthday last year.

They know I'm with him against my will. It's not uncommon for them, seeing as his mother was in the same position as me a long time ago, when Mr. Maxwell kidnapped her.

"I am not sure whether if you ignore the duties you're given for mere rebellion or if you are just too distracted in the abyss of self-pitying making you forget to obey." By the way he was speaking, I could tell that even an apology wouldn't get me out of the hook.

So I decided to lie. Partly.

"You didn't let me borrow too much rest last night," I gave him a small smile and continued, "Plus, decorating the tree by myself left me exhausted. I missed you, very much."

I know I didn't decorate the tree, nor did I miss him at all, but he did take advantage of me multiple times last night. That's why I am so tired.

I didn't like to lie, I didn't do it before him. But now, I don't mind doing it if it means I'll skip an undeserved punishment from his part.

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