Sudden attack!

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As they continued eating, Izuku notices a lot of mutation quirks in the cafeteria. Which was something he hasn't seen forever.

"So what's next on our to-do list?" ,-asked Robin

"Not sure? We can keep working on the room." ,-said Charlie

"Or, we can start setting in our room. Each of us had their respective space and we can do what we want. Then tomorrow we can do something as a group." ,-said Izuku

"Let's go with that idea." ,-said Lukas as everyone agrees with the plan proposed by Creed.

"I like it." ,-said Eddy thinking of some new designs for his sledge.

Everyone went to their respective sections of the room and left the middle for everyone to mess with. Izuku also starts to modify heavily his section, with his new tools the starts a full makeover his section making himself a personal room.


*After school*
Until the end of the day everyone
"Hold up, everyone is going to sleep here?" ,-asked Owen as he was the only one without a sleeping bag or anything for that matter.

Aizawa was in the background walking by the hallways of the school. "Amateurs." ,-he said wearing a yellow onesie sleeping bag and walks away.

"I didn't think anyone else was going to sleep here tonight." ,-said Izuku as he also brought in some camping set up and a dark green sleeping bag.

"Hell no, I'm not going to my dorm. There's no one there." ,-said Eddy dragging an old couch from one of the storage rooms.

"Same here, it's quite boring." ,-said Nora setting up her bed.

"The hell?" ,-everyone questioned as she sets her bed up.

Soon everyone agreed to stay in the room overnight. They asked permission to their Principal, which he happily let them stay.....for some reason?

The daylight will soon fade away.
"Hey Midoriya, where are you going?" ,-asked Nora as she noticed Izuku waking out from the room while everyone else was busy decorating their sections. "You can still move even at this hour?" ,-she asked as her arms were tired from moving materials and furniture around their expanded room.

"Yeah, my body it's used to it. See you in a few hours or maybe tomorrow." ,-said Izuku walking away with his duffle bag which he started light jogging into the woods.

"Weird." ,-she thought to head back inside as it started getting cold.


Izuku quickly started setting up his equipment behind an old tree. "Alright, let's see, what we have here." ,-he said opening his bag.

He puts on a full black suit filled inside with Aerogel (Frozen smoke: the world's lowest desire solid, at 96% air. Can withstand blast impacts in close range.)

Along with it a black medium bulletproof vest, tactical boots, ballistic full covered helmet with built-in radio, with reinforced copper-infused touch screen gloves.

"And the gun?" ,-he questioned while holding it.

"And the gun?" ,-he questioned while holding it

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Izuku the Lost Soldier: Nuclear Ignition  Where stories live. Discover now