Chapter 2: The Introduction.

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Kendra was not sure what was happening to her but she wanted the feeling to continue as she stared into those compelling eyes.

She found herself surprisingly upset when Mallory pushed her slightly away and turn to look with adoring eyes at the man who stood a few inches shorter than her father's 6 feet, but somehow he took up every masculine aura and charisma that her still handsome father possesses.

"Cleon this is Ken," she heard her sister say to the beguiling stranger. "Ken this is my boyfriend."

Kendra felt other emotions again but these were not like the first. She was upset and jealous. Upset because her sister referred to her by her tomboy name which she did not by any means wanted this perfect stranger to see her as, and jealous because he belonged to her sister.

She however smiled sweetly and said with a voice that did not betray all the feelings that lay churning in her being, "Nice to meet you."

He returned her smile bright and welcoming and said in a voice that was husky and masculine.

She wanted the pleasure yes, but not of the kind that was worth mentioning or even entertaining. She quickly looked away before he could read in her eyes the nasty things that were going on in her mind.

She turned to her dad who looked deeply at her and sent her eyes quickly darting away from his hard brown ones.

"Dad," she heard Cleon say. "Why don't you show me where to put these bags."

"Sure," was the only reply before he walked away expecting Cleon to follow.

"Dad had Glenda fix up your old bedroom and the guest room so there is nothing much for you to do," Kendra said turning back to her sister who she saw was staring at her with questioning eyes, but she continued with her chatter. "I went shopping this morning giving me something to do and the chance to once again fill the house with the food you like."

"Well that's rather nice of you Ken," her sister smiled and she sighed inwardly with relief when her sister did not voice the question in her eyes.

"It's so good to have your home," she said genuinely.

Mallory looked around the living room that was pretty much furnished the same except for an old queen Ann armchair that had always sat in the corner adjacent to the door that leads into the kitchen was missing.

She let her eyes run over family pictures, figurines, and knick-knacks on the small oak side tables. Her eyes swept along the various collectibles and the things that made their home over the years.

She felt the bitterness of loss and longing grip her but she quickly squelches the feelings, clasping her sister's hand she ran up the stairs the way they always did when they were little girls.

But in truth so much has changed since they were little girls.

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