Chapter 7: The daughter.

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He could not go on living like this. He had to do what he knew was right, but how could he when he was so caught up in the web and secretly loved being there.

He sat in the car and watch the house knowing that the shrew was there waiting to destroy things further; slowly watching it crumble taking pleasure in slow demise.

He thought back to the first night she revealed her true nature to him.
Eliza had been gone for a month, the loss, pain and grievance too much for him to bear. The house no longer had her voice or the various scents she radiated throughout the days and he was so lonely.

Mallory too was gone. She had to live her life, he could not allow her to stay in Providence and wither away under the death of the woman that gave her all to make them who they were.

He had started to drink hoping it would ease the pain of his loss. This he had hope would be the solution to the sorrow that broke him.

That night he drank so much as he had wanted the memories, the loneliness, the loss to leave, but with no work to occupy his mind it had been infutile.

They had given him two weeks off as they had come to realize how the loss of his beloved had taken a hard toll on him.

He now wished he had not taken it, because on the fourth day of his leave his daughter had climbed into his bed and made love to him with the passion that should not be fitting for a 16 year old.

He was not too drunk not to know what he was doing, he was not too drunk that he could not have stopped her. But nonetheless, he took her not once but twice that night.

Tears spilled from his brown eyes now filled with self loathing. He had from that day discovered how vile and dark his youngest daughter was, and how weak and pityful he was .

He had come to discover that he was not the only one she had taken down this dark sinister road of hers. He had come home late one night to find her spread eagled in her mother's queen Ann arm chair, and the father of her friend Julia between her milky white legs. That very night he came too close to almost committing murder.

He remember grabbing Julius and flinging him with a strength he did not know he possessed across the living room. In the baby blue eyes of his young daughter he had seen the joy of a wild devious being as he raged about breaking the chair, swearing and cursing.

When he was finished her father's friend was gone and she had stood flush semi naked in her white night gown spilling over her shoulders her plump breasts bear. He knew then and their she was she devil...a perfect spawn from hell.

She had reached for him saying softly, "You dont have to be jeslous father." The shock of what she believed sent him shouting harsh cruel things at her before he pushed her and sent her sprawling in the debris of the broken chair.

He then rushed from the room like the devil himself was on his heels. How could she not realised that he was repelled by her? She disgusted him and made him hate both her and himself.

He found himself questioning where he had gone wrong, what had made him reach to the level of revulsion and why had life seen it fit to play such a cruel game where he was a poor player.

However Kendra was cruel and did not give up, she had found him weak on two other occaission and used it to her advantage.

He now had to get rid of her or else she would wreck Mallory's world too, and he could not have that.

He open the glove compartment and slipped the gun he had there in his briefcase. He sighed and composed himself and then made his way to the house that was no longer a home, but a den for his daughter's evil.

I just want to thank you all for your support by reading and commenting 😊😊😍😍 as well as leaving your vote.
Much appreciated ☺☺☺

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