Chapter 8 : Not yet.

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"Dad!", he heard Mallory said as he entered the house. "Where were you?"

He was so shocked he did not know how to respond. A million things were going through his head the thought that he was too late on the forefront of his mind.

"Hurry, wash up and change I made a reservation at the Broomfield and you know if we are late our reservation is no longer valid", she said rushing to take his briefcase and gently pushing him up the stairs.

He was some what relieved, yet sorry that things did not come to an end. He was very much tired of it all but it seemed the time was not yet.

The small family sitting and chatting in the elegant dining hall of the luxurious Broomfeild an hour later seemed far from marred by anything foul, cruel, sinister or even wretched.
Mallory his oldest was dark as Kendra his youngest was light. How ironic that this did not depict their true nature. Only their father knew that the sweet shy and quiet blonde true nature was raven as her sister's blue black hair.
He looked at the young man who inspite of his chatter and laughter seemed to be lost on some plain and was trying to find back his place.

He tried hard to fight the sickening feeling that he was late. That Kendra had somehow find away to corrupt him too was obvious. He was no fool, he wore that cloak too it was a part of him for too long for him not to realize it in someone else.

     Deliver us  Lord, he prayed. Please let me end it before she succeed further....please.

He was drawn out if his brooding as he saw a waiter approach their table bringing a bottle of champagne.

Mallory was beaming. She smiled with delight and excitement brought. It took his mind away from the gruel dictates of Kendra's Wicked Ways and how easily she spawned her evil around you.

He prayed some more. He'd did not want anything to destroy her happiness.

After each glass was filled Mallory looked around the table at the people that meant all to her.

Slowly she raised her champagne glass and said,"You are all looking at the now permanently employed partner of the law company Jones and Burgen", she paused wsiting for the words to sink in.

"I will be living here with you pops until I find a place of my own that is,"she gave a little giggle then turn to her sister, "No longer will I be away Kendra, I will be here with and for you from now on."

He looked at his daughter and prayed he was dreaming. This was not happening. Mallory did not belong here. How could this have happen?

"So this was the big surprise?," he heard himself say hoping he sound happier than he felt.

 "I knew they had accepted me but I did not know about the permanency. I am truely happy that I can find my way here at Providence and not some where else. I really need to be home."
Mallory said quietly fearing her father had not forgiven here for choosing to go instead of staying around when her mother died.

There is no home here! He wanted to scream. It crumbled when your mother died! But instead he replied.
"My darling I am so happy for you,"

He got up to embrace her trying to rejoice in spite of his fear. He felt his heart sped with dread and he looked over at Kendra who stared on her face  a blank mask.

"Also", she said looking from him to Kendra then to Cleon. "I want you to know that my fiancee and I will be moving into the old renovated McDonald's farm house on Kirby within a few months."

He could not help but give into the happiness now. They would not be living at the house. Kendra could not mar them. He congratulated them with pure joy and happiness.
"I am truely happy for you both",
he laughed with delight.
It was after this that Kendra spoke her voice soft and child like. Her eyes clouded with sadness.

 "But you can't leave me. You have just came back"

" Ken hun am not leaving", Mallory said turning to her. "It's not even yet, we have three months before we can move in the farm house."

The words 'not yet' reverberated in their father's head. Even later has he laid in bed restless It was all he could think of.

      Not yet...

Two more chapters to go.😁😁
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