Chapter 5: Breakfast in his bed.

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The thought of being alone with Cleon filled Kendra with so much excitement that she found herself humming as she fixed his breakfast.

She was more excited when Mallory informed her that whatever she had to do she could as Cleon was the kind to sleep the morning away.

To surprise him in bed with the tray was fueling another appetite. As she made it to the guest room she felt her nipples harden beneath the tight marino the only thing she wore.

She knocked softly on the door though knowing she would not get a reply. Her heart raced in her chest as she balanced the tray and let herself into the room.

She walks to the bed and places the tray quietly on the bedside table. Like a starving man, she stared at him laying on twisted sheet and breathtaking nakedness. Her body blazed with longing and for a minute another naked body filled her mind but she quickly pushed that one away.

With swift motions she took the silk belting that she had placed around her neck and wrap it around his sleeping eyes, he grunted but did not wake and she smiled leaning close to him so he got the familiar distinctive scent of the perfume she wore.

She got bolder as she watched him roll over unto his back and made no effort to remove the makeshift blindfold.
With her gift of being the perfect actress, she manipulated the situation to get the result she wanted.

She smiled with glee as he made her feed him. She got bolder and kiss various crumbs from his lips ensuring she remains the master of the game.

As he drank the last of the orange juice she made it deliberately spill on his naked chest and she licked each trickle away and watch as he got harder beneath the thin creme sheet.

She knew Mallory spoke Spanish very well and it was in this tongue that she seduces the sandy hair Greek god---that was the most accurate way to describe him--- and made herself his woman.

For a minute she wanted to reveal herself, but all else vanish as she straddled him, took him in her and let the black need consume her.

She wanted him to say her name but knew Mallory name it had to be. The time was not yet right to reveal to him that it was her and not Mallory who truly belonged to him.

As the need rose higher and gave way to release she spoke of her pleasure through her body. She knew he heard every word and responded in kind. They both fell over the precipice of pleasure but before he could understand or even grasp what was happening, she was gone.

The only evidence that she was not a dream was the empty plates, the scent and telltale sign of sex.

Cleon Giles had no idea what he had walked into.

************************************ Wow thank you for sticking with my book 😍🤗
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