Chapter 3: Father's warning.

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 The day had quickly slipped into the evening and the house was now filled with soft lights, the warm tones of people talking mixed with the appetizing smells of a variety of food that compiled dinner plates.

Kendra felt happy.  The change from eating alone or by here friends Simone and Julia's houses was a welcomed difference.

Though she was grateful to be a part of both families and have them fill the void that her disembodied family no longer provide it did not give this feeling of joy or belonging.

She was overly excited but her family being back together was not the entire reason for this, the excitement raging inside her was purely because of the man that sat across from her. He came and made a difference.

She has spent the years after her mother's death hoping to find that one thing that could replenish her and now here he is all tall and tan with sandy hair, smokey grey eyes, a slightly lean nose-- must have once been broken--and a strong masculine chin.

He was perfect. He was not like the boys here in Saint Providence Petersburg. He was a man.   
She pretended to want the salt so that she could ask him to pass it to her and have him smile that heart-melting smile at her.

She mumbled a thank you wishing she possessed the maturity and assurance of Mallory, that way he would be attracted to her.

She admired him some more secretly taking in the way his t-shirt moulded his chiselled chest and the way the hairs on his chest peeked out at the deep v of his tee.

She knew too that the part hidden beneath the table was lean and firm, the stonewash boot cut jeans fitted close enough to make this known.
She appreciated all this quietly in her mind, but she was far from unobserved.

"Dad dinner was great, sure nice to be home and share this occasion with you and Ken," she heard her sister say and brought herself back to what was taking place at the table but when she looked beside her at her father his brown eyes gave a warning that only she understood.

"Yes Mr Wynter dinner was great," Cleon added causing her father to look away and she was grateful.

She dared not look at the others, she just continues to eat as if nothing happen and pretend she did not feel both her sister and her boyfriend's eyes on her.

 "It was nothing, nothing at all," he replied then added. "Kendra will do the dishes you both turn in its been a long ride from upstate and I am sure you're both tired."

 It was a command that no one decided to debate and with bids of good night, Mallory and Cleon went to bed. Kendra sat at the table and watch them leave but before she rose to clear the table another silent warning was given to her by her father his eyes hard serious before he too followed for bed.

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