Chapter 14

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We arrive back at Stark Tower and as we were all exiting the jet we were greeted by Maria Hill. then Tony beckons me to him and he tells me that he has a room already prepared for me. Natasha takes me to it and they rush Clint off to the Tower's ER. Dr. Helen Cho is taking care of him. She's really nice.

Natasha and I find my room. I open the door. It looks beautiful. She packed all my stuff up from my apartment and put it in here. The gray walls were plain and simple yet elegant. Some of the pictures of me and her and me and Steve are hung up on the wall.

"Natasha it's perfect." I tell her

"I'm so glad you like it." She let's out the breath she didn't know that she had been holding. We hug. It was long overdue. Tony walks in and sees us. He does his trademark smirk and leans against the door frame.

"I hate to ruin this beautiful moment, but we all should go downstairs. I have an announcement to make."

"On our way" Nat and I say in unison.

Natasha and I share a look and we all laugh and head downstairs.  We enter the room that Clint is in.

"Are you sure he's gonna be okay? Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together." Natasha says and smirks at Clint. both Nat and I then share a look and we start giggling.

Dr. Cho then starts to talk about some sciency stuff that I don't even know how to understand.

"Oh, he's flat lining, I'm calling it. Time?" Tony says as he enters the room with some drinks for everyone. 

"No, no, no I'm gonna live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic." Clint replies.

"You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference." Dr. Cho informs him.

"Well I don't have a girlfriend." Clint tells her.

"That I can't fix." Dr. Cho says back to him. Then she says some more sciency things but I haven't been in the real world for a year so I tuned them out and stared out of the window at everything. just, looking at the world around me. I missed it. Even if it sucks sometimes. Faintly I hear Tony mention something about a party. He and Helen go back and forth and then she asks if Thor will be there. She totally has a crush on him. I mean who wouldn't. He is practically a god and is super hot if I do say so myself, but He's basically my best friend so that'd just be weird.

"Ali, I certainly hope that you'll grace us with your appearance at the party also? I mean it's basically a party for you, you know, like a, "We're glad you're not dead" party." Tony tells me.

"Well, I do like a good party." I say and then Tony and I smirk at each other. Home, I am finally home. It feels good to be back. 

Natasha and I got ready for the party together in my room. It was fun. I did her hair and makeup and she did mine. We even picked out each others outfits for the night, and damn might I say we both looked great. Nat picked out a gorgeous black dress for me to wear, it was a little tight but not too much. It fit just right, she also did my makeup to match and it was perfect. We give each other one last look in the mirror before we head down to the party. 

"Natasha, Ali, you two look great tonight." Tony tells us as soon as we step off the elevator. 

"Yeah, we know." Nat and I said in unison as we passed him. Once we were down there for a bit Nat spotted someone and left to go chat with them. I just kinda started wondering around until I found Steve by the pool table and went to go say hi.

"Well I guess you do clean up well Rogers." I said as I approached him.

"Ali, wow, you look great!" he said as he took my hand and had me do a little spin for him. "Hey, I want to introduce you to someone." Steve told me.

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