Kai-lee, Jaylin and Jasmine

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Kai-lee: This is the final past.


Friendship Betrayed

Kai-lee, Jaylin and Jasmine were the best of friends. Kai-lee was the technical and smart one of them. Jasmine was also smart, but was also popular. Jaylin was the funny and crazy one of the group. The three of them were inseperable.

Once they got into high school though, everything changed. First was Kai-lee. Jaylin and Jasmine were classmates but not him. He started to hang out with other people, forgetting about his friends. This made Jaylin sad, but Jasmine reassured her.

The next year, Jasmine and Jaylin were no longer classmates. Jaylin’s class was the worst, filled with terrible people. She searched for Jasmine and saw her. Unfortunately, she was hanging out with new people.

This saddened Jaylin’s heart, knowing that she would be forgotten soon. She was friends with everyone but her true friends were Kai-lee and Jasmine. She saw how they acted around their new friends. So she made a conclusion.

Her friendship was betrayed.


Sorry that  it's short.

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