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Chapter 3, Fighting.
You walked into your room and sat down at your desk unsure of what to do.
Alone with a guy I just met.
You pulled out your phone and started to text Kaysia again. 'Hey, sorry I wasn't able to respond quick enough I had to pick up my brothers friends. Hope you're having a good night! ツ' you looked at the message for a bit then sent it. You soon went to your closet and pulled out one of Cameron's old oversized hoodies that comes down to your knees and some of his boxers. It was normal for both of you to share clothing that was oversized for both of you. You went back and sat down at your desk and looked at the logo a fan had drew for you that you used for nearly everything.
"Fuck this." You huffed and logged in. You had three monitors because you were afraid you would accidentally break one and just liked the look of three monitors, but setting them up was a pain in the ass. The screens all had the same background, each screen had different apps and your mic was to the left of you. Taking a deep breath you signed into Twitter and began to think of what to tell everyone. "Sorry, I'm taking a mental health break?" You shook your head, definitely not. Soon you came up with a perfect one.
"Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted in 5 months. Just a lot is going on right now and I'm taking a little break, if you want to see me go check out my brothers channel! ツ"
You did the same thing on Instagram with a black picture and Snapchat. Sighing and turning the PC off you heard the door open. You spun around in your chair and watched Eric come in with his bag.
'Is he gonna sleep with that on?' Then the thoughts took over again.
'What if he touches me, I won't know his identity..'
'What if Eric isn't even his real name?'
'Is he gonna sleep in the same bed as me?'
'Will he try and hug me?!'
Before you knew it you were a mess, tears and all. Your vision was foggy but you could clearly tell he was walking over to you. Instead of touching you he sat down on the floor in front of you.
"Wanna talk about it?" He said muffled slightly.
You didn't answer and wiped your tears harshly leaving red marks on your cheeks.
"I'll take that as a no.." He shifted around and you just watched not knowing what to say to him.
"Fit- I mean Cameron told me to come get him if you started crying and begged me not to touch you in any way shape or form. I'm guessing some shit went down that I'm not trusted enough to know about so." He stared.
"Oh, yeah. Nothing important went down, I'm fine."
It is important.
No you're not.
"Your eyes tell a much different story but keep on telling yourself that.." he mumbled. "How about this, if I tell you my dark secret you gotta tell me what happened with you, I'll even show you my face." You wanted to say yes but, you'd lost trust in people. You did really wanna know what he looked like but not over the incident.
You shook your head 'no' and looked down at him, he did genuinely sound like he cared but everyone can sound like they care and still hurt you.
"Understandable, I don't trust myself either. Don't trust you either so we're both even I guess."
You were slightly taken aback by his words but agreed, "Its not healthy to not trust yourself." You managed to mumble out.
He laughed, a forced one. "Well you're doing it too." He grumbled turning on his side facing your bed.
"I... I can stay down here if you're not comfortable with me sleeping in bed with you."
You stared at his back and got up and went to your closet grabbing a pillow and blanket.
"Here." You nudged his back and handed him the pillow while stepping over him and putting the blanket over him. "Night....sorry" you mumbled climbing in bed.
You woke up to silence, huh?
With them here you thought some sort of commotion would be going on but apparently not.
Standing up you dropped right onto your knees.
What the hell?
Someone walked into the doorway, they looked a little overweight and had dark brown hair. They noticed you and started coming towards you with a freakish grin.
"Hey baby... remember me?" You stares at the man before it all started to come back.
He was the one who touched me.
You tried to scream and move but your body wouldn't let you it was like you were paralyzed.
But why here? Why now? Where is Cameron? Where is Eric? What happened to the other guys?
What if he hurt them?
You felt tears go down your cheeks before you felt yourself falling hard into the floor.
"Y/N?! Y/N?!!" The sound of Cameron filled your head. It was just a dream..? You let him keep shaking you until he finally noticed you were awake. Eric and Mason were on the left side of your bed while Cameron was sitting in your bed shaking you harshly.
"Hey y/n, it was just a dream ok?" You heard Mason say looking unsure of the scene.
"Yea it was just a dream ok? They're not gonna hurt you anymore ok?" Cam looked you deep in your eyes, you knew deep down he was right but you couldn't help but feel like they would. The dreams never stopped, Cam always did this to you at least twice a week, it was hard.
You noticed Eric's helmet was off and the only thing showing was his eyes; they were glossy and tinted slightly red but before you got to ask what happened Toby and Matt ran into your room asking for food. Cam and everyone took off leaving you alone again, but this time you took advantage of your time alone. Taking out an old sketch book you sat it down and flipped to a blank page, taking in the white page you decided to draw Mason and Cam, you always heard the name Mason from him but didn't really think much of it. They must be good friends.
You sketched out the bodies and faces before soon getting bored and walking out of your room to see a mess. Cam was downstairs making breakfast with Mason, Toby and Matt were chillin on the couch while everyone else was either trashing the place with clothing and food or trying to pull dumb stunts. You took a long stretch and walked down the stairs to the large island and propped yourself up onto it. You laid across it and took a deep breath before Cam said your name,
"Hey y/n can you go to the store for me? Pick up some eggs, milk, ya'know the regular things?"
You nodded your head while sitting up off the counter about to go grab your keys,
"Yo mind if I join? I gotta get some shit too." You heard Eric say, you didn't honestly know how to respond to everyone this morning so you just nodded at him while grabbing your keys.
You walked out into the garage and started the car waiting for Eric to get in. It took about 3 minutes before he decided to actually get in. You both sat in silence past 4 red lights before he finally spoke up. "Why were you yelling please don't touch me again, in your sleep?" You screeched the breaks and drove right into an emergency lane.
You pressed your head up against the steering wheel and looked down at your hands, you were already trembling.
You turned your head, still pressed on the steering wheel, towards him. "Is that all I said...?" You managed to whisper out. He nodded his head and looked concerned even if only two of his eyes were showing, his eyes showed lots of emotion. You could tell he's been through some shit, you noticed the little stutter that he had, the way he fidgets. It was only a day and you felt like you've known him since you were a child. You noticed the way his hands fidget on certain topics, the different ways his legs moved and bounced. You noticed that on all of Cam's friends, they all had been through some shit and looked like they were all holding a secret back but they just kept pushing it so far away it was hard to tell what was wrong with them.
"Let's just say that six months ago some really deep personal shit hit me.." you said trying to hide the fact you were on the verge of crying. He just nodded and looked out the window.
"Some personal shit happened to me and some friends of mine too." You took a deep breath and sighed looking around at oncoming traffic.
"Sorry about this.." Taking another breath you started moving the car again and turned into a clear lane making your way to the store.
Then your phone began to ring.
"Hey y/n, what's taking so long?"
You sighed and sat in silence for a couple seconds, "Just traffic, nothing much." You mumbled out.
"Alright, text me when you're on your way home."
You hung up and looked around at Eric, his hands were tense. "Hey, whats wrong..?" You looked back at the road and continued to drive.
"Just some personal stuff"
You both finally arrive at the store, got out, locked the car and both headed for the entrance.
"Meet here at...2:35?" Eric looked down at you and you noticed he was smiling.
Your eyes don't say your happy.
Stop smiling.
You nodded and gave a faint smile back at him. Then you both grabbed a cart and went in opposite directions.
You checked out and it was 2:30.
Alright I'll be on time.
You grabbed the six grocery bags and waited at the entrance for him, ever so often checking the time.
It's 2:37.
You kept waiting and about ten minutes went by. At this point you were just ready to go home.
Soon some mid 50's looking guy care over to you,
"Hey miss do you need any help with those?"
"No thanks I'm waiting on someone."
"Are you sure I can walk you to your car?"
"I'm fine please leave me alone."
"Come on let me walk you to your car." His hand held tightly on your shoulder and you went into a frenzy.
You flinched and stared deep into his eyes. Unable to figure out what to do you started to push yourself away from him. He kept coming into you.
"Sir please get off of me..I'm fine by myself..." you mumbled looking up at him
Eric please help me.
Was no one around you noticing this? Help me.
You saw a hand push the man off of you,
"I think she told you to fuck off."
"Woah are you her boyfriend or something? What the hell are you gonna do about it, huh? Right nothin' I could probably f-" before the man could finish his sentence Eric punched him straight in the jaw, there was a loud crunch and you backed up trying to process what happened.
"YOU FUCKER!! YOU BROKE MY JAW!!!" The man came running back at Eric and punches him right in the side. Eric stumbled back slightly and grabbed the mans arm and twisted it.
"Leave us alone." He let the man go and shoved him hard into the brick wall. Eric grabbed some bags from you and started walking to the car in a rush, you could barely keep the same walking speed.
"Hey slow....slow down..." you yelled up to Eric. "Eric please slow down I can't keep up..." You noticed him slow down so you quickly ran up to him. "Thank you..." Both of you stayed silent until you got into the car.
"Listen sorry about all that." He looked at you.
You quickly texted Cam you were on your way home and looked straight. "I..um- yeah.." you didn't know what else to say, no one every fought someone for you.
You made it home and It was about 4ish. It had been a quiet ride home for the most part besides the shuffling of Eric.
You made it inside to find Toby in a look of shock and Cameron with a look of anger on his face.
What the fuck?
"I'm home....?" You stepped inside surprised at how everyone just slowed looked at you.
End of chapter 3, Friends.

Finished: July 28th, 12:33am
Next Chapter: ⚘Confused⚘
Words: 2162

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