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Chapter 4, Confused.
Your stared at the scene at what felt like forever before Mason left the room. "Cam...whats going on..?" You looked at him in his eyes. He only flinched at your words, "Toby what happened?" You were boiling with anger that no one was telling you what was going on and just staring at you like an idiot. Finally you let loose, "So were all gonna stand around like a bunch of cunts and not tell me what the actual FUCK IS GOING ON!? Especially you Cam you don't even have the balls to tell your SISTER YOUR FUCKING SISTER WHATS GOING ON!? FUCK OFF ALL OF YOU!" You threw the groceries on the floor before storming up the stairs and hitting your side on the sharp corner of them. You threw yourself into your room, locked the door and curled up into a ball holding your side in pain. "Fuckin...fucking assholes." You sobbed loudly. You cried so hard you were certain you would look like you smoked ten blunts. Why won't they tell me..
Is this what Eric is hiding from me? What everyone is hiding from me? Cam abuses his friends? No. He would never do that... after all my years of living with him I've never seen him look that angry at someone...I'm him sister...
When you woke up your side was bruised, you assumed you had passed out from crying so much. You had a massive headache and looked outside, it was dark. Not knowing what time it was you decided to change your clothing and get on your phone. After doing so you heard a light knock at the door, "what the hell do you want.." you mumbled still angry about what had happened. You were a mess, you had on an oversized crop top that if you stretched your arms high enough, you could see the bruise. You were also wearing large baggy sweatpants and some thigh high kitten socks. You walked over to the door, unlocked it and cracked it slightly revealing Mason. "Can I come in..." you stepped away from the door and sat in your chair with the large poofy blanket Eric used to sleep with the night before. Mason sat on the edge of your bed and looked down, he looked like he was about to have a mental break down and hurt himself. "I...um- listen...I don't know how to say this because there is a high chance you won't believe me because he is your brother and obviously you've known him longer than all of us so you would know what is wrong with him.." you burned holes into the corner of your bed and just decided to listen to what he had to say...
"Cam is acting different. He's been acting different ever since the death of you guys parents and these last 5-6 months have been pure hell for everyone... no one knows what triggered him to start attacking everyone these past months but everyone has an idea that something happened to you and he wasn't there to help you or something like that. Swagg- I mean Eric used to be so close to Cam and now it's like Eric is scared to even get close to him. Eric has been through so much pain and it just hurts to see everyone like this especially him..then Toby is going through so much hate online because she's Trans and-" You heard his voice crack...he is genuinely worried and upset for his friends. Cam what the hell did you do to them..
"And Manager Ryan is barely holding us together anymore.. then Matt and Jay are sometimes scared to be alone in calls with him.. I'm just scared y/n.. you need to talk to him or something because I think Sw-Eric is hurting himself in all honesty..." he looked so desperate and scared.
I'm going through shit too...
What would I even say to Cam, "oh yea mason said your making people cut themselves and hurting everyone mentally and physically." I couldn't say that...
You stared at Mason for a bit before finally nodding your head. He got up and began to make his way to the door, "Everyone's worried about you too.. especially Eric, I don't know what you went through but you should talk to someone or Eric he can keep secrets and is a really good person.." Mason said as he walked through the door and shut it. You did feel weird that even though you've known them for two days you could trust them slightly, just confused as to why everything was going so quickly.
You were playing CSGO and texting Kaysia back and forth about have a little friend date to get to know each other bit more and talk about life. The time was around 1:20ish am when you got another knock on your door. You were sitting in your gaming chair, the blanket surrounding you and you were eating watermelon from your own fridge. It was just a small square one you kept under your desk when you didn't feel like getting up to get food from downstairs. You had died so you turned in your chair and looked at the door, "Yeah?" You stated taking your headphones off and putting them around your mic.
"Can I come in..?" Eric's voice said. You swallowed harshly and waited a minute before talking.
"Uh- um.... yeah." You stuttered out, you watched the door slowly open and his head stick through. He wasn't wearing his helmet or chainmail when he stuck his head through the door which startled you a bit. You took this moment to take in his features, short fluffy, almost spiky brown hair with scruffs of facial hair all over his chin and cheeks and a small patch on top of his lip but not much. You also took in his eyebrows and eyes and stared into them for a little while, dark brown eyes with pretty much furrowed brows. He did look really attractive but you didn't want to give off the impression that you had a crush on him even if you did.
This beautiful ass man is hurting himself over Cameron? What the fuck?
He stepped in and shut the door walking over to you. He grabbed the stool that sat next to your dresser and sat next to you while prepping his elbows up on the table holding his face. You kept looking at him and taking in more and more of his small details and features like his black painted nails. You were finally stopped when he spoke up stopping your train of thought.
"So..um, I'm guessing Mason told you everything."
You looked down and nodded yes as you felt a hard lump in your throat.
You really didn't want to talk about it but you also didn't want to ignore him and not talk about it. You slid ur hands down and clutched the blanket around you.
"We don't have to talk about this.. sorry about bringing it up.." he slid his hands up into his face and ran his fingers through his hair and clutched it slightly as he looked back at you.
"I..um- no it's just... can I talk to you about something..? I think maybe it also has something to do with Cameron n stuff.." You mumbled looking up at him slowly. He stared into your eyes in what felt like forever before he spoke up, "Yes, you can tell me anything y/n... I know somethings been bugging you so you might as well let it all out.." he stated while beginning to bounce his knee.
"So...about 5-6 months ago I was out by myself like normal..just going around town until I got lost into like an alley way thing. I was looking around for people and stumbled onto a bar and so I decided to walk over to it and find a bartender to give me directions until this group of three men stopped me...they backed me up into a corner and started saying things like, 'she'd look good sleeping with you' or just hitting on me..." by this point your voice was started to crack terribly but you could feel Eric's eyes on you with guilt. "They forced me into this abandoned hotel with a lot of drugs and alcohol around and threw me onto a mattress.. and they stared at me and began to- to u..un- undress me and they held me down. While they held me down they stared touching me in different ways and...an-and.." You really couldn't take it anymore and just sat for a minute in silence before speaking up again with tears blocking your vision. "And he raped me. He took my virginity." You somehow managed to croak it out letting your tears finally fall. You could feel how his whole vibe had changed. "He....he made me take it. He did it all night and when I woke up I was covered in c-...cum.. they were no where to be found.. and Cameron found me like that too... he said they didn't even cover me up. He said my legs were wide open for the world to see and I was passed out.." You mumbled through tears.
He grabbed you and pulled you into a hug.
You didn't even flinch.
You really felt safe at that moment.
You felt like you could really do anything you wanted to accomplish right then and there.
A/N: sorry this is very short but I've recently just been out of writing since school has let in so if I'm not updating chapters this is why so I'm sorry about that. Also I really do hope Mason gets better and that the boys and his mom make him as comfortable as possible.
Also the thing abt all the drama in the fandom I've also gotten over so that's another reason I haven't been updating, I'm also working on edits and editing my friends YouTube video for him which you can see clips of on my Instagram @kamitto_ so go check it out! :)
Finished: August 27th, 12:57am
Next chapter: ⚘𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼⚘
Words: 1717

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