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Chapter 9, Changes.
It had been two weeks since you had let out all your emotions onto Eric.
Today is the day you, yourself, finally move into the the house. Cameron rented a truck to help load everything and take it to the new house.
Your room was completely uncluttered.
The only thing that was left in your room was a pillow, swaggers hoodie, a shirt, pants, and some underwear plus a charger.
You took a deep breath realizing the new adventures that were soon to come. Fuck you knew you were most likely not prepared but it made you happy to know not everything is planned.
You had bought some new furniture for the bedroom and even got some for the rest of the house as you were going to be the first one to move in.
The boys has just finished the paperwork and bought the house but insurance, water, electricity and much more were still coming along.
You looked up at the ceiling remembering the night Eric and the boys left and the conversations you had with many of them. You remembered when you invited Kaysia over and Eric walked in on both of you dancing so he decided to join in.
You also remembered moments before the changes, Cameron surprising you for your birthday, him letting you play a game with him and his friends, the start of your YouTube channel, so many memories were made in this room that it was a lot to take in a lot more would be happening in you and Eric's room.
You looked into the doorway and remembered the night Eric nearly walked in on your stream without anything covering his face, when Cameron busted in on you during your stream to fucking around and mess with you, the time you caught Cameron drunk and falling over the wall.
You walked into the hallway and smiled looking at the staircase and the living room and kitchen below you.
The nights you and Cam would stay up making brownies or smoking a joint, when you came in with a new boyfriend once and Cameron had scared him off, staying up til 6am to play Mario Kart with him.
You smelled the air softly as you walked into the living room and spotted Cameron setting boxes up to help move into the truck.
"Remember when I nearly broke a bone cause I jumped on the couch and bounced right off?" You sneered softly realizing how you were only 17 when that happened.
"And then how you cussed some girl out that I brought home cause she didn't like the brownies we made?" He added on nearly snorting.
"She should learn never to insult pot brownies! Next time some girl comes over I'm gonna put laxatives in them!!!" You playfully yelled at him.
You both laughed softly then looked at each other and then at the rooms.
"I'm gonna miss this place" you frowned.
"I'm not gonna do anything with your room anyways, maybe make it look a tad bit cleaner but I know your gonna wanna visit so I'll most likely put a bed in there." He stated lifting a box up. "Now get your lazy ass over here and help me load the truck." He added on glaring at you.
You glared back playfully then grabbed 2 boxes and headed for the truck.
You both arrived at the house about an hour later after moving multiple boxes, trashing some furniture and just walking around the house again.
You stepped onto the drive way and stared at the monster of a house in front of you.
"Time to carry my boxes inside!!!" You squealed trying to be as annoying as possible.
Then you got a text.
Tinfoil man 😎✊✨

Hola stinky -Eric (4:23pm)

Says you, I'm getting the boxes moved in right now so I can't really talk :( -Y/n (4:24pm)

Don't take up the entire room >:( I still need room for my set up as well o:< -Eric (4:24pm)

Shut the fuck up my guy you will have space in the room it's big asf -y/n (4:25pm)

You got another ding but decided you really needed to get everything in and up the stairs.
You took about 3 light boxes and quickly ran into the house with them and set them near the stair case as Cameron got some move heavy boxes and lifted them up the stairs.
After about 7-9 trips to and from the truck you both finally made everything in the house. You moved the light boxes up the stairs and Cam moved the heavy ones towards the outside of your room.
After a few minutes everything was up the stairs and in the door way.
"Ready to unpack and set up?" Cam asked chuckling.
"Fuck. No." You stated.
First you unpacked all your gaming equipment and everything for your set up.
Second was clothing and some decorations you had set up.
Third you and cam both unpacked some blankets and pillows.
You and him spent the next our figuring how you wanted things set up and how you wanted your posters to go up, the lights and much more.
You finally decided to put yourself in the corner next to the closet.
You grabbed everything and set it up like how you had it set up at you and Cams house. You then grabbed the fridge and tucked it under the table like always. You then grabbed all of your clothing that was hanged and set it up inside the closet leaving the same amount you took up for Eric.
Next you set up a small place in the middle of the room for a place to sleep until the bed arrived.
You guys had already had the dresser arrive and a nightstand but you had them laying outside of the room.
Quickly you and Cam grabbed the dresser and moved it into the room. You decided Eric could share the dresser with you and put it near the door. You grabbed some small decorations and then your panties and bras and put them inside the dresser while setting the decorations up next to where your underwear was.
You grabbed some swimsuits and put them in as well and then began to work on the walls.
You used a step stool and placed led lights around the top of the walls, you then set up your posters around your set up and smiles to yourself realizing you were most definitely going to make multiple memories here.
Cam smiled at you as you then realized you and Eric had a whole bathroom. You brought all the Tampons and Pads into the cabinet and then put out a cup and set a toothbrush and toothpaste in it and set floss right next to it.
You laid on the large island waiting on the Uber eats person to arrive.
Then a ding caught your attention.
Tinfoil man😎✊✨

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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