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Chapter 5, Questions
When you woke up you were in your chair still, blanket wrapped around your shoulders. You were trying to remember what happened last night as you got up and stretched moving your window curtains to look outside. Surprisingly it was still dark out, grabbing your phone you checked the time to see that it was only 5:30AM.
Walking over to your closet you nearly tripped on the man you forgot slept in your room. You heard him move as you scrambled to get on your bed to play it off.
"You're not slick y/n..." he mumbled sitting up rubbing his eyes softly. You laughed like nothing had happened and sat crisscrossed in your bed staring at him.
"What time did I pass out...ugh." You stated trying to make conversation with him. He just yawned and got up grabbing the blanket you were wrapped up in and got up on the end of your bed. He snuggled into the blanket and looked back at you.
"After I hugged you not but a few seconds later you passed out, I didn't wanna wake you up so I just wrapped the blanket around you." He fidgeted with his fingers again before speaking up again,
"So um-"
"Do you wanna.."
You both said at the same time, "you go first.." you said looking up at him.
"Do you wanna talk about what happened?"
You hesitate for a minute before laying back and staring up at the ceiling. "Do you have any questions about it..?" You spoke up not daring to look at him.
"Hm... have they been arrested." Those words hit you like a knife. They haven't been arrested and the police barely looked for them.
"No." You choked out trying to hide the pain in your stomach.
"..fuck.." you heard him mumbling, you just stayed quiet and listened to the sound of both his and your breathing.
When you woke up it was right around 3:15pm, you were draped in the blanket you let Eric sleep in. You got up and made your way down the stairs.
Where are the boys?
You walked over to the counter and saw a note taped to the fridge that read,
"Me and the boys are out house hunting if you need anything give me a call... sorry about yesterday, love Cam." You stared at it for a while before finally sighing and looking in the fridge at what to eat.
You stepped into the cafe unaware that Kaysia was working a shift, she ran over to you and smiled.
"What are you doing here!" She laughed. You smiled back at her and chuckled.
"I didn't know you worked Wednesday's.." You giggled sitting down at the window seat.
"Weeelllll... maybe I should text you my work schedule, anyways how have you been!" She slid into the chair and put her hands on her face and her elbows on the table.
"Nothing much, a whole bunch of my brothers friends are all gonna live together so their going house hunting right now." You sighed and propped your face up on your hand, looking out the window.
"Maybe you should go look for one with them, it would be good to get out ya know." She pointed at you then smiled again. "I gotta get back to my shift so go help them out okay?"
You chuckled again and waved her a goodbye before heading back out to your car.
The time is now 4:29pm.
You stared at it for what seemed like forever before one of the boys finally pulled into the driveway to pick you up.
You hopped in and turned to see Ryan.
"Hello y/n!" He smiled at you as you shut the door.
"Hello Ryan.." you stated trying not to be mean, "so where are you guys looking now?"
"Just up the road from here, everyone thinks it's the one but because you wanted to come along I guess you can help pick." He said obviously happy you were coming to help pick a house.
It wasn't but 5 minutes later that you arrived at the house.
Jesus it's huge...
"Y/N!!!" Everyone rushed outside to see you. You stood staring at them unable of how to react. You walked around the front for a little bit before Toby and Mason led you inside.
"Fucking hell its huge.." you gasped as Ryan, Mason, Toby and Matt followed behind you giggling like little girls.
You went up the stairs to find Eric and Jay looking around, they waved at you and started walking around the rooms.
After a few hours of looking around the house everyone met up in the living area.
"This one is the house!"
"I love it!"
"There are enough rooms for everyone.."
"Throwing a party here would be great!"
Everyone was exchanging words of how much they like the house. Glaces were often thrown in your direction but you kept quiet until Cameron finally spoke up.
"Y/N? What do you think about the house..?" He fidgeted with the back of his palm before looking up and facing you.
All the boys stared and waited for your opinion.
"Hmm...well, would I get a room here as well?" You smiled to yourself before adding on,
"That or share a room with someone..? Cause I fuckin' love this house!" Everyone's faces soon lit up as you said that and Cameron pulled you into a shoulder hug.
The rest of the day was just dealing with billing, housing and filling out the paperwork of how many people will be living at the house, insurance and much more.
Everyone besides Cameron and Ryan chose a room.
Mason decided to take a room downstairs and the rest of you stayed upstairs.
Toby, Jay, Matt, Eric and You all got rooms upstairs.
But there was one thing.
There was only 4 rooms upstairs. But you stated that you would just share one with Eric and each own a different corner of the room.
Cameron of corse said that one of the boys could move but you insisted that you would be fine.
On the way back home it was just you and Cameron in the car.
This is the right time to do it.
"Cam.." you muttered out.
"Yeah..?" He stated while stopping at a stop sign.
"Can we talk about yesterday?" His face was stone cold at he pressed forward in the car.
"Uhm- yeah.."
"Why did you look like that, why were you acting like that? What happened bro..and please don't swat me off with another 'I'm fine stop worrying about me' thing because I'm genuinely worried about your relationship with everyone.."
He sighed harshly as he braked at a red light.
"It's you. I'm just doing what siblings do when they worry. And I guess I haven't noticed that I'm taking it out on the boys..." You could feel his whole demeanor change. The car stared again as the light changed to green.
"Just when I found you like that I didn't have anything to take It out on. Going to the gym didn't help, and I didn't want to talk to you about it for the fact being that it might fuck you up even more."
You smiled at him.
This dumbass.
"I'm happy that you care so much but when you get like this I need you to talk to me. Your friends have been worried sick about you. And don't say drugs helped because I know for a fact that just cause you smoked a blunt and got high, that didn't help the fact that it still happened."
You punched him playfully before turning to the window.
Finished: October 13th, 2:05pm
Next chapter: ⚘𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂⚘
Words: 1298

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