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So there's a couple of drawings here.

On the right side is some Marvel characters. A Spider-Man suit design I was toying with (which looked far better in full colour). In the bottom right corner is a sketch of Daredevil, who is one of my favourite superheroes (if you haven't seen his Netflix show I highly recommend it). And then finally beside him is a rough concept sketch of Anna Kairo, who is a character I created for my own Marvel short story A Shadow of Death.

On the other side is a couple sketches of NPC's from my current Dungeons and Dragons campaign (which I DM) that I drew up for the players reference

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On the other side is a couple sketches of NPC's from my current Dungeons and Dragons campaign (which I DM) that I drew up for the players reference. The top corner was a quick sketch of a scene, in which the players first meet an important NPC.

Below that is Keralan (the said NPC) who's a revived ancient hero, granted powers by the gods. Real Captain America type guy, and basically the macguffin for the entire story.

Beside him is Brük (pronounced Brook), who is a half-orc farmer/boxer that pops up every now and then.

And then above him is probably my favourite character, Marcus. He's a trainee cleric that's tagging along with the party at request of his elders in the temple, and basically acts as the parties healer (because God knows they need one).

If anyone would be interested, I'm considering novelising our campaign and posting it here, so... If you want to see some more of these characters (and many more) then let me know.

A book of my "art" and stuff, I guessWhere stories live. Discover now