My D&D Party (and some more Spider-Man stuff)

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Recently I had a chapter that showed off some of the NPC's for the Dungeons and Dragons campaign I run.

Well, while I'm recovering from a busted up shoulder, I decided to try drawing again. And this time I drew the PC's (player characters). And some Spider-Man villains, because I slipped into old habits.

On the right there's some doodles of Mysterio and The Vulture, which are part of a full Sinister Six sketch I'm working on separately

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On the right there's some doodles of Mysterio and The Vulture, which are part of a full Sinister Six sketch I'm working on separately.

So, from here down I'm just gonna rant a bit about who the PC's are. From top to bottom:

Thaimes: An elven rogue archer. Mostly in it for the cash.

Wolf: A human Night-Blade (night-blade is a class/title designed by me for the campaign. It's sort of a necromantic assassin guild). In the party for curiosities sake.

Eva: A drow (Dark Elf) spy, working with the party to help prevent an uprising of the Dark One's forces.

Dez (bottom left): A dragonborn Paladin. Hopes to aid in preventing the Dark One in hopes of achieving validation in the eyes of the gods. Also the mentor of Marcus.

Riley: A goliath barbaria. Magically tied to Dez, who acts as his parole officer, after he attempted to burn down an entire town in order to steal a horse.

There is another party member called Tim, who only very recently joined the party, so I haven't drawn him. I'll probably go back and add him to the drawing at some point in the future.

A book of my "art" and stuff, I guessWhere stories live. Discover now