Portraits and Perspective

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This is actually the other side of the last page. First of all I want to address the "S" in the top right corner. I didn't draw that, a guy in my class did just to annoy me. Valuable lessons learned about leaving things on desks.

 Valuable lessons learned about leaving things on desks

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This is mostly little portraits. And miraculously, nearly all of them have titles/names, which I don't do as much anymore.

On the right is a little self portrait, with my arm in a sling (because my shoulder is still broken...), and almost facing that is a drawing of my friend (the same one as in the last chapter).

Above that is something I tried to do with perspective, but it didn't really work. Last weekend I went to a party where we were jumping off a wharf at the beach. I tried to capture that moment but it didn't come out right and the figure jumping just looks a little weird

Below the self portrait is an attempt at further realising Darwin, and surrounding him are the other characters from that D&D campaign (Riley, Kye and Jim).

On the top right side of the page, I drew Stian and Sarah, characters from my MCU short stories. It's taken a while to do a drawing of them I'm actually happy with (even if Sarah's head does still look a little too small). To the left of them is a concept sketch of Anna Kairo, another one of my MCU characters not quite as happy with hers but it's okay.

Finally in the bottom right corner, I'm currently reading Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne, and was feeling a little inspired. And there's a sphere... because why not.

A book of my "art" and stuff, I guessWhere stories live. Discover now