Chapter 2: Father

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Chapter 2: Father

This feeling is distant.

+Personally, I am not very fond of emotions. But today this particular mood gives me an unusual singe in the back of my throat, very much like that of anger. However, unlike anger this feeling somewhat enables me to look at the world differently. People have mistaken me for optimistic, but they don't hang that opinion over their heads for very long anyway. Emotion annoys me. Usually expressing myself as dispassionate in favor, strangely, only this rare feeling often comes to me as a delicacy. In simple English, it amuses me. Coming from a dismembered background this sense amazingly allows me to think clearer. In other circumstances, emotion would come as a nuisance. It happened when I was sifting through some old documents in search of an old medical file. Now, I am not a person to allow such disorganization from mere habit. No, this little mishap was nothing but sheer compromise from a drastic measure to move my location elsewhere. This was to avoid any unnecessary conflict from interfering humans. I needed the file in order to update information on one of my first projects. Although back when I was first working on this assignment, toying with its genetic structure and trying to perfect it, a terrible reality came upon me to postpone any further experimentation. It turned out that the act of God that I was trying to mimic had gone against my wishes and became nothing I had in mind. This sent me into deep thought. I would have to restart years work in order to find the setback to why my creation became as pathetically meek as a domestic sheep.

Yes, this distant feeling reviving itself inside of my chest reminds me of that time. Although the purpose of this mood is not in that range, I still find it as intriguing as I did eight years ago. But all of my children are not with me at this time. No matter, I will continue the original plan for what I had begun all those years ago. Now that I have everything in order, nothing can interfere with my work this time. Because I found that, I was wrong... So very, very wrong. I also know the gift I gave my children is awakening.

And one of my sons has come home.


+My eyes are glued to Dr. Pumaill's face, but my mind is focused on the clock. Good thing he's focused more on his notes than my blank expression, otherwise he'd have more questions to ask. It's better to get answers than give them, in my opinion. It's already hard enough to remember my past. Now matters only grew worse after I accidentally brought up the subject about the ghost. Why does he ask for something I can't give, or can't give enough of? That's the funny thing about Doctors. The voice speaks. You'd think that they would consider the people they have to save from themselves already have enough to deal with. But you don't stop for a moment to think about that, do you Dr. Pumalli? Then you bring along your demanding questions, even though you don't intend for them to be demanding, and cut even deeper so you can find what you're looking for. He says you're too weak for surgery. Are you still too weak even with this kind of surgery? It doesn't seem to be that case if he's kept along with it for all these years. My mind immediately returns to the clock trying to ignore the voice. A bead of sweat starts to form on my forehead while I'm reciting the number of clicks in my head. One...Two... Three... Four...

"What did this ghost look like, Matt? Did she look familiar?" He asks lifting his gaze away from his notebook.

"Not at all, I have no idea where she came from or why." I answer with little worry in my expression.

The clock seems to be frozen. Why won't it move faster?

"Matthew," I quickly shift my gaze from the clock. His eyes give a flash of concern. "Please take this seriously. This might help us figure out what's going on with your dreams."

"I'm sorry," I lower my head in embarrassment.

"Why don't we try something different to help you with this ghost situation? Lie down on the bench and close your eyes, try to relax." Following his orders, I soon feel horribly tired even though it was still morning.

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