~ I missed you

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Justin was being so nice and acting like a boyfriend to me. When he saw me crying in the bathroom she got way way way worried so he said he won't leave my side anymore. After all that we came to my room and I cleaned my face and took a quick shower. Justin was of course waiting for me outside and while laying on my bed. When I got out, he patted the side of the bed to inform me that he wants me to lay next to him. So I did.

"You smell so good", He said.

I laughed at his dorkness.

"Thanks", I smiled shyly.

"Sorry to bring this up but can you tell me what happened?", I avoided eye contact with him.

"Justin I really don't wanna talk about that right now", He nodded in agreement.

"Did you like my new song?", He asked kissing my forehead. I forgot how to breath. The fireworks in my stomach were exploding.

"I loved it, it's perfect", I said looking at him.

"I wrote it thinking about you", Justin gasped when he said that.


"I..uhm..I.. yes", He replied shyly.

"But why?", I asked curious.

"Because I missed you and the song says that no matter what happens with us everything will be alright between us", He said inches away from my face.

"That..is..", He interrupted me by kissing me. I froze at first but then I relaxed a little. Our lips moved in a sync, it was perfectly matched. His sweet minty taste was delicious.

It wasn't a rough kiss, it was a sweet and gentle one, while he was kissing me he was stroking my cheek. I didn't want the kiss to stop but we both nearly ran out of breath. We looked at each other and smiled.

It was out first kiss, I can't believe it actually happened. Justin Drew Bieber kissed me.


Justin kissed YN.. haha it was about time aye?

Are you enjoying it? I hope so *-*

Updating tomorrow so enjoy

Bye x

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