~ She has forgotten

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"You can't tell her the truth", Cameron said.

"And why not? She's the reason that everything went down hill", I said nearly crying.

"Because it wasn't her fault and it was your mother fault", He said trying to hug me tightly.

"She stole everything from and now she doesn't remember anything", I cried hugging him.

"She has forgotten everything and you know that, it's not her fault", He whispered pecking my lips.

"Do you love her? Do you have feelings for her?", I asked him.

"Mel, at first I did because she reminded me of you, but I knew she wasn't you and she is in love with Justin so I didn't go any further. But I promise that the only girl I ever wanted and still wants is you", He stroke my cheek.

Cameron is a good guy. I knew he told me the truth about loving my sister and then giving up on her. I just wish everything was the way it was back then.

We heard YN yelling from the kitchen to say that dinner was ready. Apparently our mother would be home soon.

Cameron told me to go wash my face and that he would wait for me in the kitchen with YN. I did what I was told and when I was done I walked towards the kitchen.

"She is beautiful", I heard YN say.

"The funny thing is she looks exactly like you", He laughed.

"I know.. I don't even know how is it possible. I feel like I've known her for so long but yet we just met. I do wish I had a sister", YN is so sweet and she still can't remember a thing. This is all my mother fault, she didn't help her remember.

I walked fully in the kitchen and Cameron gave me that look 'tell her later on but not now'. I nodded and smiled.

"So what did you make", I asked her cheerfully.

"Cameron told me that your favourite was spaghetti so I made them", She smiled setting up the table.

I really missed her and the times we had together. Even though she was a goody-goody one, she still did some crazy stuff with me and our friends back home.

"Hello sweetie", I heard someone say behind me and I slowly turned around to look at our mother giving YN a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey mum, I want you to meet someone", YN said moving away from me.

"Hi ma'am, my name is Melissa YLN, nice too meet you", I glared at her giving an evil smirk.

She was frozen. She had no reaction at all. She knew exactly who I was and now she's scared that I'll tell YN the truth. I will but not yet


Updating tomorrow my gorgeous ♡
Enjoy *-*

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