~ Congratulations

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It's been 3 weeks since I haven't seen or spoke to Justin. I did mess up. That night was so perfect and the next day I ruined everything. This 3 weeks has been a torture because I've been sick lately and I have no ideia what it is.

Today is the day I'm going to the doctors and Mallory is going with me because she said that she wants to be with me and support me. She's such am amazing friend that I can't ask for a better one.


It's been half an hour that I've been waiting for the result and the doctor hasn't come out yet. It's making me way way nervous.

"Calm down YN, you're bitting your fingers off", Mal said laughing.

"I'm nervous I can't help it", I said.

"Miss YLN?", Doctor Vincent asked.

"Yea?", I said while getting up.

"I've got some good news for you", He smiled. "Congratulations", He hugged me. Awkward.

"Congratulations on what?", I was so confused.

"You're 3 weeks pregnant", I gasped.

"OHMIGOSH YOU'RE PREGNANT", Mal said yelling.


I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. That's all I could think about. YN is pregnant and who is the father? Yes, Justin Bieber the teen sensational. The guy that every girl wants to get married and have little Bieber running around the house.

But.. I'm scared, scared that he will reject me. That he will want someone else and will leave me alone with our baby. It's so weird to say.. our.

Justin and I soon.. not soon but in 9 months we'll have to take care of this baby and of course if he accepts it.

"Can we talk?", Mel asked sitting next to me. I nodded.

"I know I've been a bad sister and I want to apologize, and this time I promise it will be different. I miss you, I miss the bubbly person you are around the house always doing stupid things", She laughed. "But lately you've been locking yourself in your room and throwing up. You look sick and you're always eating.. wait?", She stood up. "Are you pregnant? Is it Cameron's?", She gasped.

"No", I laughed. "Yes, I am pregnant but it's not Cameron's and it's Justin's", I said rubbing my belly.

"Congratulations I'm so happy for you's", She hugged me tightly.

"He doesn't know and I don't want to tell him. I'm scared", I said looking at my sister. I've missed her so much these days.

"I know it's hard but don't do what I did back in the past. If you's love each other you's be happy and will get through this. Tell him, he loves you YN, and everyone knows that", She said kissing my forehead.

"I'll try and I'm sorry about all the Cameron thing, we aren't meant to be, he loves you so much just please give him a chance to explain", I said giving her a smile. She nodded.

And I'm pregnant.


Enjoy my lovely people ♡

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