Chapter 8: The Auradon Experience

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Evangeline's P.O.V. 

As well drove through the roads of Auradon, I smiled at the beautiful sights and buildings. I felt at peace and it was almost as if everything would be okay and I could have a chance to be normal.

The limo came to a stop and Carlos opened the door before we all followed one by one.

Once we were out, I breathed the smell of the fresh, crispy air. It was amazing unlike the air back home where it would be stenchy every now and then.

"How do you feel?" Gil asked as Evie smiled at me.

"I peace. For once in my life, I feel as if everything's going back into place." I replied.

"You'll love it here, sis. I promise." Evie said.

I took Gil's hand and we all walked throughout the campus and I smiled at all the little kids running.

It made me think of all those children back at the Isle who are hungry, homeless, and basically suffering. Well, more like all the people.

I'll have to talk to Ben and Mal about possibly bringing them over and giving them a chance.

"I'll take these back to the gym." Lonnie told Jay. He nodded and she walked off.

A young girl with black hair and blue eyes came over and I greeted her.

"Hi, I'm Evangeline. She's my sister." I greeted. The girl smiled at me and shook my hand.

"I'm Jane, daughter of Fairy Godmother. Nice to meet you." she told me with a warm smile.

My boyfriend held his hand out. "I'm Gil. Son of Gaston."

"Pleasure to meet you." Jane greeted. She then turned to look at the king.

"Ben, can I have a word with you?" she asked him, who nodded.

I could see Mal and Ben not talking to each other.

"What's going on between them?" Gil asked my sister.

"They had a fight because of how much she's been struggling. It's hard on both of them." she explained.

"Maybe they don't have the true love we believed they did." Carlos added.

"It was them who basically made me believe I could be with Evangeline." Gil added.

I smiled as I took his hand in mine.

"We need to talk." I heard Evie say to Mal as she pulled her along. "Yeah."

Carlos and Jay stepped forward. "No."

Both of them looked at him in confusion and shock. "No?"

"You guys are always going off in a huddle, whispering all your girl talk stuff or whatever. Jay and I are tired of it." the son of Cruella explained.

"I'm not." Jay joked.

"Is he always like this?" Gil asked as I shrugged.

"Jay, I don't think now's the time." I warned him.

"We're your family, too. We've been through a lot. Together. We're not stopping that now." Carlos continued.

"You have a point. Even though we weren't necessarily on the same page, I still considered all of you my family. It was just our fear and egos that drove us apart." Gil added.

"Actually, I agree." I added.

"Everybody sit." Carlos ordered as he sat down with his dog. "Come on."

We all sat down and formed a circle. I lay my head on Gil's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me.

"I don't know how to start girl talk." Carlos said.

"What up?" Jay asked, making me and Evie let out small laughs.

I really did miss these four more than anything. However, I still miss Harry and Uma.

"I'm a mess. I'm such a mess. Six months ago, I know, stealing candy from babies and now, everybody wants me to be this lady of the court. I have no idea how to keep up the act." Mal explained with tears in her eyes.

"Then don't." Carlos said.

"Great. Now, it's settled." Jay added.

"Maybe it wasn't." Evie started as she took mine and Mal's hands.

"We're always gonna be the kids from the Isle. I tried to forget it. I really tried, but, those are our roots." she explained.

"And we all did what we had to do. To survive. It made us who we are. And we're never gonna be like anybody else here. And that's okay. That's okay."

"We can't fake it." I said. Evie shook her head. "No."

"Yeah, especially without my spell book." Mal added sadly.

"Mal, if Ben doesn't love the real you, then he's not the one." Gil told her.

"I like that." Evie said.

"Give him a chance." I added as Mal looked at me.

"I'm gonna make some changes to your dress. And if you're up for it, only if you're up for it, she'll be waiting for you, okay?" my sister asked the purple-haired girl.

She hugged her and I joined in as I rubbed Mal's back.

We all got up except for Mal and walked off. Jay stayed behind with her.

"I need to make the two of you outfits for cotillion tonight. Follow me to my room so I can get your measurements and everything." Evie explained.

I smiled along with Gil as I wrapped my arms around theirs.

"I'm glad to have my sister back." I said.

"I'm glad as well." she replied.

"And you're future brother-in-law." Gil added, making all three of us laugh.

I have a feeling life in Auradon will be perfect. For me. For Gil. For our future.

Evie's SisterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin