Episode 12

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The Chance to Prove Ourselves

"...Those eyes of yours are breath-taking, Princess."

Nanaka stared at the figure in front of her and said, "You haven't introduced yourself. I'm quite certain I don't have to thank you for eying me."

The guy with syrup brown hair and granola eyes smiled. "My bad. Have I already made enemies with you?"

Teppei looked up and addressed the talent. "Hazuki, that was rude of you. You know better than to start things off without tact. Your attention was only on Nanaka, rather than the whole group."

"Haha," Hazuki laughed. He looked at Teppei. "I tend to find myself drawn to people who stand out the most, you know?"

Rui frowned in disapproval. "One person doesn't make an entire group."

Hazuki glanced at Rui. "Oh? You sound just like Kazuma, Rui-san. This is the first time we've met, however."

"I see that you pay attention to my husband," Rui said. "At the very least, you need to be nicer to everyone else. We're not background characters for your story."

Kaoru smiled, having set his gaze at Hazuki, said, "Rui's right. We haven't been part of Rabbit Promotion for long, but we've already made our mark in the entertainment industry here."

"Kaoru-san," Sakura brought up, "we'll still have to make more progress as a new group."

Eri stared at Hazuki. Her eyes had a fierce resolve within them. "Then, we'll have to make this our chance to further our capabilities for the Baidol Project."

"Huh?" Hazuki uttered with a quizzical expression on his visage.

"You shouldn't underestimate us," Eri said. "The Baidol Project is what we're bringing to this world, no matter what."

Nanaka smiled. "We've worked for this. Therefore, we'll prove to you and the rest of entertainment industry what we can do."

Hazuki's eyes and eyebrows raised. "Oh? Well then, that would be something for our agency."

Teppei's eyes pierced through his glasses as a light ran upwards on his lenses. "Hazuki, what are implying?"

"Ahaha..." Hazuki stuck his tongue out playfully. "I should go."

As Hazuki turned around and walked away, several of the other male talents looked around nervously, or had bewildered expressions on their faces.

Sakura looked at Teppei and Kaoru. "By the way, what's our schedule for today?"

"Ah, yes," Teppei said. "If Hazuki hadn't interrupted us after we just finished our meals, I would've addressed this earlier." He pulled out a small, navy blue booklet since they we still in the cafeteria, instead of the lobby or another room to discuss work. Then, he opened it to the page with today's date: June 13, 2029. "Since Renaissance has only made its major announcement for the Baidol Project on The Wave Show so far, job offers have been coming in. However, let us go back to the hobby so that I can show you all the video. We'll fill today's schedule up afterward." He packed the bento Runa had prepared for him and tied the cloth around it, before handing it to Nanaka. "Thank you again, and please give my regards to Runa."

Nanaka nodded and put away Teppei's, Rui's, and her bentos. Eri, Kaoru, and Sakura put away theirs in their invisible pockets. After that, they group made their way to the lobby and Teppei turned on the television. He took the remote and changed channels to one where the June 12th episode of The Wave Show for 2029 began. As they all watched it play, they saw the gazes and attention the Wave members gave to the cameras, the MC, and to the audience.

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