Chapter 21: The Old Fashioned Way

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Justin's POV:

Waiting for Hailey's arrival back from London was nerve wracking.
I had arranged for a private jet to safely deliver my girl back to me.
Pacing back and forth on the private airport's runway, I thought about everything I had planned for tonight.
Second guessing myself if it was the right time to do it, after the whole paparazzi incident.
I didn't want tonight to be tainted by what the world thought about me, Hailey, or us as a couple.
But after seeing her post on Instagram, I knew I made the right decision to go forward.
Hails had no idea what was ahead, and that's just how I wanted it.
Before I even asked for her hand in marriage, I already had the ball rolling.
I hadn't planned on asking naked from a wheelchair, but I couldn't help myself.
Like Hailey said, I'm impulsive.
But when it comes to her,I'm committed.
I had planned on tonight being "The Night ".
Last week I had talked to Scooter about getting an engagement ring made.
He wasn't even surprised, and told me he was wondering how long it would take for me to ask him.
Scooter was like a second father to me.
In most ways, he knew me better than my own Dad.
Going to him with this life changing request felt natural.
He even gave me some words of wisdom.
He said: "Your going to ask Hailey to be more than just your wife. She's going to be your life partner. And as her husband, you are going to put her needs before your own. Becoming a husband is the most selfless thing a man can do.
I have all the faith in the world that you will love and protect Hailey and someday do the same for your children.
I'm proud of you kid."
Hearing these words from Scooter really made me evaluate the type of man I am, and the man I want to be for Hailey and our future.
Scooter set up a video conference call with a friend, Jack Solow, who was a private jeweler in New York City.
Working with the team at Solow and Co, I was able to personally design Hailey's engagement ring.
I wanted something classic, but I also wanted her ring to stand out in the crowd.
When the team sent me photos of the most breath taking Oval diamond, I just knew.
I picked out the setting and didn't even ask about the price.
I knew it was 10 carats, and that it was perfect.
The team had it flown to me last night.
Hailey didn't have a clue.
While she was in London, I had time to plan for tonight.
Little did she know, but the Doctor cleared me to walk.
And my Mom, I found out is kick ass at romantic shit.
She became my wingman in all of this.

As Hailey's plane landed, I took a deep breath in.
When I saw her walking off of the plane safe and sound, I was able to let that breath go.
She was wearing a gray sweatshirt and matching sweatpants.
Her hair was half up in a big pink scrunchy.
She was even wearing wool socks
(My kryptonite).

She was even wearing wool socks (My kryptonite)

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She looked absolutely gorgeous and perfect.
I knew I was damn lucky!
I started walking towards her.
She looked for my wheelchair.
I could tell she was about to start freaking out about it.
So I put my finger to my mouth and stood still, waiting for her to reach me.
When she was in arms reach, I enveloped her into my chest.
I needed physical contact with her immediately.
She didn't hold back either, she wrapped her arms around me even tighter.
After a minute or two, she looked up at me.
I whispered, "Baby, everytime I look at you, I can't help but fall even more in love." And then I kissed her. God, I loved kissing her. I was becoming obsessed with it.
Who knew kissing could be so freaking good.
She made it good.
When we came up for air, she said:
"I knew the wool socks would work."
I leaned over to smack her behind, but she escaped my attempt.
"Hailey Rhode Baldwin, dare you tempt your man like that! You know I can't resist the wool socks and their effect on me!"
She was giggling as I finally caught her.
And of course I kissed her even more.
She finally realized we were alone.
No bodyguards.
No Mama Pattie.
Just Us.
"Justin, where is everyone? Its like everyone disappeared."
She was looking around, until her eyes landed on what was behind me.
"And what is that ?"
I looked behind me,like I didn't have a clue what she was talking about.

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