Chapter 30: Team BayBee Daddy & the Watermelon Belly Queen

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Justin's POV:
This past month has been a battle of wills in the Bieber house.
Mrs.Bossy Pants has turned me into her personal slave boy, and I don't mean sex.
Get your minds out of the gutter, people!
I'm talking about chores galore.
Twinkles just sits on her throne of fluffy pillows and basically orders me around.
"Justin, can you swiffer the kitchen?
I see dust bunnies."
"Justin can you run to the store and get lavender scented garbage bags, the pine scent one's are overpowering my sense of smell.
I mean now though."
(It was midnight when that request came in)
"Babe, can you clip my toenails?
I can't reach them?"
"Honey, can you run to Lowe's and get a quart of paint called Magnolia Home for the babies nursery?
It seems more calming than the Sweet Blush."
( I had already painted the nursery 3 times over)
"Ogre, can you make me pancakes? With the chocolate chips in them?"
"Can you rub my feet?"
It never stopped, from the moment Hailey would wake up...she'd have me doing something.
You'd think I'd have people doing this shit for me, being rich and famous.
The Queen only wanted me, her peasant boy to roam the Kingdom for her.
And I couldn't say a damn word, because Twinkles was 8 and a half months pregnant.
She was in the waddling stage of pregnancy.
The stage where she looks like she swallowed a watermelon.
Her only job at this point was to waddle from one soft throne to the next.
And eat.
And sleep.
After all, she was growing our baby.
So yeah...I may bitch to you about Mrs.Bossy Pants, but I know better than to say anything to her.
I'm not that dumb.
And I love my Watermelon Belly Queen so damn much.
I'm just exhausted, and the baby isn't even here yet.
Speaking of the baby...
She still has no name.
Twinkles and I can't agree on what to name her.
We literally lay in bed at night with multiple baby name books, and debate each other.
I'd say, "How about Lyric, something to relate to music?"
And she'd say, "Justin be serious, we are not naming our daughter after words to music".
Then she'd say, "What about Stella? It's so classic sounding?"
And I'd say, "If by classic, you mean sounding like stale bread.
Stale Stella...not happening".
At this rate, the baby was going to be born nameless.
I wasn't giving up on being the one to name her though.
I figured, since I always knew she was a girl....I should be the one to name her.
Twinkles obviously didn't get my logic.
But I was not going down without a fight.
I even had t-shirts made with the names I was campaigning for.
I would walk around the house wearing them.
I had them made in every color and would rotate them out.
I figured the more Twinkles saw them...the more she would come to like my top 3.
Besides her top 3 were weak.
She liked Kate...but that's my grandma's name....and my grandma is kinda crazy.
No offense Gram, but I can't have a crazy daughter.
Hailey also liked Bella....but I'd be damned if I name my daughter after a vampire lover.
And then there was Stella...
Thank you, Next.

Hailey's POV:
Ogre has no chill.
I'm waddling around the house getting ready for our baby shower that Kendall is throwing for us, and homeboy thinks he's going to wear one of his #TeamImNamingTheBabyShirts.
Today's flavor is the #TeamCharlotte one in bright bananna yellow.
"Ogre, take it off! We're going to be out in public babe. Wearing them around the house is fine, but I'm not about to try and explain to everyone that you've gone crazy."

"Hails, but I look good in yellow!
And earlier while you were napping, the baby and I had a chat.
She's feeling like a Charlie today.
So I'm representing for my girl.
Besides you look so adorable in that black dress and I even have a yellow bow for your hair.
We'll be matchy matchy!"

"Why do you have a freaking yellow bow?"

"I had bows made up in the same colors as my shirts.
See, I'm thinking about you too!"

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