Chapter 24: #1 Dad

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Hailey's POV:
Justin and I sat in that ER hospital room for some time.
We were both a little shell shocked.
So many thoughts were running through my head, but the most pressing thought was, can we do this?
Our relationship is still so new and fresh, and now we are going to have a baby together.
Don't get me wrong, I want to have his children.
I just thought it would be a couple of years down the line.
I'm only 21 yrs old, and just became legal to drink.
Justin is 24 yrs old, and just survived death.
Can we raise a child together?
He seems happy about it, but Justin has always wanted to have children.
I know he'll be a great father, but are all of his demons truly conquered?
So many questions and thoughts kept racing through my mind.
The only thing that kept me from replaying them was having to throw up again and again.
And thank God that boy doesn't have a weak stomach, because I would have scared him away with all this vomit.
"Justin, do we tell Scooter and Allison?
They are going to ask questions about what my blood work showed.
I'd say we lie...but I probably need to find a OBGYN doctor soon.
But I really don't want to tell our families yet.
I need time to process this.
What do you think?"
He was chewing on his bottom lip,obviously thinking of what to do.
"Baby, I'm gonna do whatever you want me to do.
I think telling Scooter and Al is our only option.
Can you imagine trying to sneak you to a preggo doc, without them finding out!
Scooter would sniff it out instantly.
But telling our family, let's play it by ear.
Let's just go home for now.
I need you resting."
He was forgetting that the media already had caught wind about something happening at the Ellen set.
"Ogre, it's called an OBGYN, not a preggo doc!
We are going to need books on this, you clearly have no clue about pregnancy.
And babe, we have to tell Scooter and Allison now.
Gotta rip the bandaide off while it's fresh, that way they can deal with spinning something to the media."

"Well who's gonna tell em?"
He had to be kidding right?
"Ummm you are. I'll probably throw up again if I try to tell them."

"But babe, your better with words than me. I'm gonna fuck it up."

"Too late, Bieber. You've already been there and did that.
Now grow a pair and help your baby mama out."
We both started hysterically laughing at this point.
We were acting like school kid's on who was telling who.
He didn't even have time to agree to my request, because they both came walking in.

Scooter: So what's the news?
Do you have the flu Hails?

Hailey: Nope. No flu for me.
Justin has something he'd like to say though.

Justin: I do?

He looked at me like a deer caught in headlights.
I just smiled and nodded.
Over and over again.

Allison: Justin, what? Just spit it out.

Justin: Fine. Well here's the thing.
Hailey doesn't have the flu.
She's ummm. Well she's pregnant.
With my baby.
So yeah...I'm gonna be a Dad.

He put his hands up and shrugged while tilting his head to the side and gave his innocent smile.
Trying to lighten the news.

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