Shout Out Squad

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Are you a fan of Forever Remember? Would you like to help the author (me) find new readers on Wattpad and in the real world? Then consider becoming a member of the Forever Remember Shout Out Squad or SOS. 

The first task I need help with is to determine my target audience. So I have a few questions for you about what made you decide to read my story, why you kept reading, etc. I can't wait to read your answers. Thanks so much for your help! 

SOS Survey

1.  What made you decide to read my story Forever Remember? 

- the cover

- the story summary/ blurb

- it was in a friend's reading list

- it was recommended by Wattpad

- other (Please explain.)

2. Why did you keep reading it? 

- the characters (Which one is your favorite?)

- the plot (To find out Jasmine's secret or if Tyler would help her or another reason) 

- the writing style (fun dialogue, simple descriptions, few spelling or grammar errors, etc.)

- another reason (Please explain.) 

3. I describe my story as an emotional roller coaster ride. First, I make you cry, but I want you, the reader, to feel all the emotions. What part/ scene made you laugh?

4. What part/ scene made you angry at another character? 

5. What part/ scene surprised you the most? 

6. Which guy did you like the best? 

- Team Dean

- Team Tyler

7. What colors do you like best? 

- blue and black (Jasmine's favorites) 

- pink and purple (my favorites)

8. Did you appreciate that the story was a clean read- no swearing, no sex, no graphic violence? 

9. Did you mind the faith elements- Jasmine going to church and praying? 

10. Who was your favorite character? Why? 

11. What country do you live?

12. What social media do you have? 

13. Would you be interested in joining a Facebook group as the Forever Remember Shout Out Squad? 

14. Do you have a Kindle or other ebook reader? Or do you just read books on your smart phone? 

15. Do you know how to make memes or book covers using Canva or another app? 

That's the end of the survey. Again, thanks for all your help. I look forward to reading all of  your comments/ answers. 

Forever Remember to Live, Laugh, and Love! - 3L

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