38 "the wedding"

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"I'm cooking spaghetti do all you guys want some" I question it was only now me , Scott David, Nat, riah , heath and zane . They all start grinning "ok I'll take that as a yes" I laugh around thirty minutes later the food in done and plated "DINNERS READY" I call out everyone comes in thanking me and digs in the door bell rings "I'll get it" I say standing up I open the door and start dying laughing "hi" tana says laughing with me "the whole vlog squad is invited to our wedding" Jake says "hold on , guys come here" I say yelling the last part they all come out laughing too I hug tana then Jake "why is it so big" zane says holding up the invite "cause it's a clout wedding" Jake
Says making me laugh more "so a private jet leaves tomorrow I'll send you all the details but I hope you can come" tana says "shoot me and the others can't we are going to New York" David says "me and Scott can go we are staying here" I say Scott nooding "okay well I'll text you the info" tana says hugging me "alright bye Guys" I say before shutting the door "that's too funny" I laugh going to back to eat "hey Luna what aren't you coming to New York" heath questions "I'm going away with Kylie on Tuesday" I tell him and he nods "I don't even know where I'm going"I say they all laugh and we enjoy our meal (the next morning) "okay guys it's seven am" I say into the camera we are on our way to Jake and tanas wedding" I say "Scott is asleep" I say showing him "but we are using David's Tesla going to the airport we are literally going to Vegas for the night" I say pulling onto the free way "so yeah I'm going to try vlog but pregnancy brain" I say then covering my mouth checking of Scott heard "I'll Bleep that out but we are actually just here there is no traffic for some reason but I have to wake up Scott now hopefully he isn't cranky" I giggle "but yeah bye" I say turning the camera off "Scott wake up" I say rubbing his cheek "Scotty" I say still nothing "I'm pregnant" I say still nothing "OWW" I yell making him shoot up "what , what's wrong" he says "damn it I should have vlogged that" I laugh "we are here come on" I say hopping out of the car (In Vegas) "welcome to Vegas bitches" I say flopping on the bed "so Jake and tanas wedding is at 2 pm it's currently "9 am" scott says "so we are going to explore till around 11 then come back and get ready for the wedding" I say (at the after party) "hi guys" tana says coming up to us "hey tana" I smile "your sober" she laughs "yeah" I almost question "no no come with me" she says drunkinly away from Scott who just laugh at me "so Luna" she slurs "how far along are you" she says "what" I say "your pregnant" she says pointing at me my eyes go wide "I'm not" I says "I won't even remember in the morning so how long are you" she slurs not even making sense "three weeks" I say "Scott dosent know huh" she slurs I sigh her nodding "here use it as a prop" she slurs
Handing me a glass of champagne "I gotta go but good luck and tell him" she says hugging me "bye tana" I laugh waking over to Scott "hey bubba" I say taking a sip of the champagne "hey princess" he smiles I smile still holding the alcohol in my mouth "you gonna swallow that" Scott says I spit it back in the glass earring a confused look from him "not my type
Of drink" I lie putting it on waiters tray as he walks past "wanna go" Scott says around a hour later "yes" I say grabbing by purse then leaving "baby" Scott says as we pull up the hotel "yeah" I say "do you want to tell me something" he quizzes I feel my heart beat picking up "no why" I shrug "hold on" he says he walks over to the mini bar and pulls out a small bottle of Malibu "oh my favourite"I smile fakely "uh huh"he smiles "baby can i pee" i groan "yeah" he smirks I walk towards the bathroom before grabbing my camera "guys" I mouth "I think scott knows that im pregnant" I mouth "I have a idea" I say placing my camera
I pull out my cartier box and open it I look in the drawers and found a pregnancy test "it's twenty dollar" i Gawk at the camera I sigh grabbing it before doing my business the test instantly says pregnant I clean it up before
Putting it in the cartier box putting it in bag "hey guys welcome back to my channel" I say walking out of my bathroom with the bag behind my back "your probably wondering my I'm fully beat and not on our couch" I say making Scott laugh "so today guys I'm here with my fiancé le Scotty sire"I say "we are in Vegas for the Jana wedding" he chuckles "yeah I have a vlog coming out on that soon don't worry but today we are here because I have a surprise for Scott" I say smiling at him "really" he smiles and I nod "let me just set this up" I say placing the camera so its angled to see us "okay so here you go" I say placing the bag
In his hand "princess" he gasps "wait so this present is something that you'll have to take
Care of for at least the next 18 years of your life but you will always love and cherish it" I say "what I'm so confused" he Laughs "open it" I say he starts to unravel the bow on the bag and my heart starts skipping beats "ooh baby you went hard" he says sleeping out the box
"You ready guys" he says holding up the box
"I'm scared" I say "why I'll love it" he chuckles "just open it" I say he nods opening the box

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