1.05-07 Family Bonds

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~February 17, 2006~
"Daddy, do you have to go?" "I do smalls. I'm sorry, I don't want to leave you, but..." "But you have a job to do. I know daddy. And I'm glad that people have a hero like you to save them. It's just... I'm going to miss you." I look down at the ground pouting slightly. "I'm going to miss you too baby." "Will you call every night?" I look up at him with wide eyes. "Of course I will smalls. Can't leave my best girl hanging, can I?" I hug his neck tight, burying my face into it. He squeezed me back just as tight and I feel a few tears fall down my face. He pulls away, gently wiping the tears off my face, giving me a sad smile.

"I know this is hard smalls, but I'll be back before you know it." "I know daddy. I love you always and forever." "And I love you to infinity and beyond baby. Be good for Uncle Phil." "I will." I give him one last hug before pulling away and kissing his cheek. I rub my nose against his and he fondly smiles at me. He kisses my forehead one last time before stepping away. I had already said goodbye to Uncle Sam before I said goodbye to daddy.

"I love you guys. Be safe." "We love you too." They wave one last time before getting in the car and slamming the doors shut simultaneously. The engine roars to life and daddy blows one last kiss before pulling out of the driveway. Me and Kimmy wave until we cant see Baby anymore. I sigh sadly before turning around to go back into the house.

I make my way upstairs to my room closing the door softly behind me. I climb onto the bed pulling my sketchpad from the nightstand, flipping to a new page. I begin to sketch out a picture of all of us. I start with daddy and make sure that the outline of his body is right.

It is now 7 p.m. and I have been sitting on my bed drawing for the past 6 hours. The picture is nearly done, I just have put in a few more details. "Brittany! Supper time!" I set my sketch pad aside and pad out the room, down the stairs. I make my way into the dining room where spaghetti is sitting on the table. I take the seat beside Kimmy and turn to Uncle Phil.

"Hey starfish. You okay?" "Yeah Uncle Phil. I just miss them is all." "I know you do, but they should be calling at 8 so why don't you go ahead and eat so that you can talk to them when they call." "Okay Uncle Phil."

I hurriedly eat the food off my plate and push it back after I finish. "Well someone's eager. It's only 7:15, why don't you go upstairs and take a bath." "Okay." I bound up the stairs with Kimmy trailing behind slowly behind me. I go into the bathroom and run a hot bath. I sit in there for 30 minutes before getting out. I hurriedly get dressed and brush out my hair. I braid it into 2 braids and when I check the clock it's now 7:55. I hurriedly make my way downstairs and sit on the couch grabbing my phone.

I look at Kimmy and notice her anxiously staring at her phone too. My phone begins to ring and I answer it before it finishes the first ring. "Daddy! Hi!" "Hi baby! What are you doing?" "Nothing. Just sitting on the couch. Did you and Uncle Sammy get to Missouri yet?" "Not yet baby. We still have around 8 more hours to go, but we pulled over to eat and call you two." "I'm glad daddy. I miss you." "I know you do baby. I miss you too. But after we finish with this hunt, we'll be coming down for a day or two before heading out again."

"I can't wait daddy." "I can't either smalls. Look, we gotta go, but I'll talk to you tomorrow at 8 again, okay?" "Okay daddy. I love you." "I love you too baby. Night night sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." I giggle before saying it back." Night night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." He laughs before growing quiet. "I love you baby. Good night." "I love you too daddy. Good night."

I reluctantly pull the phone away and press the end button. I sigh, dragging myself up the stairs to my bedroom. I climb into bed and snuggle into the blankets. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

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