Christmas Memories (Chapter)

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It's been a week since Aunt Annie's funeral and Christmas is now 10 days away. It started snowing 4 days ago and today is the first day where it wasn't snowing when I woke up. I had asked Uncle Phil to take me to the store so that I could get Christmas presents and he agreed. I already have daddy's, Uncle Sam's, Uncle Phil's, Uncle Logan's, and Papa Bobby's, but I still need to get one for Kimmy, Marie, Fury, and grandpa. I rush down the stairs in my thick fleece leggings, my brown snow boots, a thick navy blue knitted sweater, my white winter jacket, my tan gloves, scarf, and knitted pom pom beanie, and my ear muffs.

I hurry down the stairs and meet Uncle Phil in the living room. My dad looks up from the TV and gives me a small smile. "I see you're ready to go shopping smalls." "I am daddy. I'm so ready. When we get back, can we play outside in the snow?" "Of course we can baby." I give him a dimple-filled grin as he gets off the couch. He comes over and kisses my head. "Be good for Uncle Phil." "I will daddy. I love you." "I love you too smalls." I give him one last smile before turning towards Uncle Phil. "Are you ready to go little starfish?" "I am Uncle Phil. Let's get this party started." He laughs as we head out the door towards his SUV. I hop into the back seat and quickly buckle up. He starts up the car and we drive off.


After 20 minutes, we park in the Green Acres Mall parking lot and quickly climb out. I grab ahold of his hand and we make our way inside. Our first stop is forever 21. I go inside and start looking around. I walk over to the jewelry section and notice an anchor necklace. I quickly grab it and keep looking around. I also grab Kimmy a few scarves, some cute tops, and a couple of flannels. We go up to the register and Uncle Phil pays for it all.

We leave the store and head to JCPenney. In there I pick up the bracelet that I got daddy to order for Marie. It's a silver plate with her name on it along with her birthstone in the shape of a heart. We quickly pick it up and head to the next store which is a book store. We quickly head in there and I walk up to the cashier. "Hi. We're here to see a Mr. James. He has some books that we had specially ordered." "Of course. You must be Phil and Brittany. Right this way." We follow her to the back room where we meet with Mr. James. She quickly leaves the room and I turn my attention back to him. "Hi. You must be Brittany. I'm assuming you're the one who wanted the first edition book of 'The Odyssey' and the custom journal?" "Actually they're Christmas presents but yeah, I'm the one who wanted them."

He lets out a chuckle before passing me the books. Uncle Phil passed him the money and we leave the store. We make our way towards the exit and get into the SUV. I run my hand over grandpa's new journal before turning to Uncle Phil. He gives me a mischievous grin before speaking up. "Wanna get some hot cocoa?" "What about the others?" "You're probably right kid."

"Okay, Brittany we have to get rid of the evidence before anyone sees us." "Do you think they'll know?" "Never." We grab the bags and hurry inside. We sneak our way to the kitchen and put the cups in the trash. "And what do you think you're doing smalls?" I quickly turn around to face my dad. "Nothing daddy. We were just passing through." "Did you have hot cocoa without us?" I gasp placing my hand over my heart dramatically. "I could never daddy." "Oh yeah. The whipped cream and chocolate around your mouth says otherwise." I give Uncle Phil a frantic look before we nod at each other. "RUN!"

I hurry past my dad and try to make my way upstairs. He quickly grabs ahold of me and starts tickling me. "Daddy stop!" Giggles fly past my lips as I try to squirm away from him. "Not until you admit it!" "Never!" "Fine then!" He starts to tickle me more and my laughs grow louder. "OKAY, OKAY! We had hot cocoa without you. But it was Uncle Phil's idea!" I exclaim pointing a finger at him. He just shrugs and walks away. After I catch my breath, I realize something. "Oh daddy, I just remembered something." "What is it smalls?" "I thought that I saw grandpa at the funeral last week." He looks at me with shock before shaking it off. "And why do you say that Smalls?" "Well, I briefly remember seeing him at the back of the church and in the woods at the cemetery and he motioned for me not to tell and I kinda shrugged it off cause we had more pressing matters at the moment. You're not mad at me for not telling you sooner, are you?" I look up at him with wide eyes and a small pout.

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