Let Her Go (Chapter)

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The Impala screeches to a stop outside of the SHIELD building in New York. We all jump out of the Impala and race inside. We run up to the receptionist. "We're here to see Phil Coulson. We're the--" "You can head up to his office. He's waiting for you." "Thank you!" We rush into the elevator and press the floor number. Uncle Sam is anxiously tapping his foot. The elevator stops and we rush out. We make our way towards Uncle Phil's office but we stop in front of the door. "Dean? What if it's not her?" "Dude, I don't think he would've called and said something if it wasn't." "You're right, you're right." Uncle Sam grabs the doorknob and slowly turns it. We step inside the office and a little girl turns to us. "Kimberly?" "Daddy?"


Daddy and I stand to the side as Uncle Sam approaches Kimmy. "Is that really you baby?" "Daddy!" She suddenly jumps out of her chair and rushes towards Uncle Sam. He crouches down and catches her in his arms. I'm looking on with a soft smile and with tears in my eyes. I grab daddy's hand and he gives it a light squeeze. Uncle Sam starts to sob and that sets off Kimmy. "I thought I lost you forever sunshine," He says sobbing. "I did to daddy." He pulls back and starts to look over her. "What happened sunshine? How did you get--" "Here? I don't know daddy. There was this loud noise in the kitchen and mommy told me to go upstairs and hide. She said I wasn't allowed to come out unless she came and got me. So I did and the next time I saw anyone is when he came into my room and found me," she says pointing at Uncle Phil. "And now they won't tell me where mommy is. Daddy, do you know where she is?"

"I don't sunshine, but I'm sure Uncle Phil will tell me." "Sam, that's something we need to talk about privately," he says pointing looking at me and Kimmy. He motions for us to go into the hall. I bounce up to Kimmy and put on a bright smile. "Hi, Kimmy. You wanna go into the hall and play a game with me?" She looks up at Uncle Sam and he gives her a slight nod. I give my dad a big smile and he winks at me. I grab her hand and drag her out into the hallway with me. We sit on the floor across from Uncle Phil's door and I turn to her. "I don't know if you remember me, but I'm--" "My cousin Brittany. No, I can sort of remember you." I clap my hands and beam at her. "Awesome. You wanna play rock, paper, scissors?" "Alright, but I'm going to have to tell you, I'm kinda the champ at the game." "Well then, I guess this means war, Kimmy."


"Oh come on! There is no way that you've beaten me 10 times in a row!" "I told you I was the champ Britt!" I stick my tongue out at her before turning towards Uncle Phil's door when it opens. I see daddy and Uncle Sam there smiling softly at us, but tears are falling down Uncle Sam's face. I stand up and turn around to help Kimmy up. I go over to my dad and he bends down to pick me up. Uncle Sam does the same thing to Kimmy. "What's going on daddy?" "Well smalls, there's something we all need to talk about." We all walk into Uncle Phil's office and Uncle Sam sits Kimmy down in a chair before crouching down to her height. She looks up at him with wide eyes. "Where's mommy, daddy?" "Well sunshine, your mommy is in the hospital right now." "Is she going to be okay?" "They're not sure baby." Kimmy's bottom lip starts to quiver and her eyes get glassy. She lets out a small whimper before full-on sobbing. She clutches to Uncle Sam and he rubs her back soothingly, whispering calming words in her ear.

I see more tears fall down Uncle Sam's face and I let out a small cry. I rest my head on my dad's shoulder and silently cry. After 10 minutes, Kimmy has cried herself to sleep. Uncle Sam stands with her in his arms and turns to Uncle Phil. "I'm sorry that I couldn't give you better news Sam. She was almost gone when I got there." "How did you even know to go to that house?" "Someone left an anonymous message and said that the house was gonna be attacked and that someone's life was in danger. We take all threats seriously, but the intruders were gone by the time we got there." "When can we go and see Annalise?" "Right now if you want. It's not good though Sam." "I don't care. Take me to her Uncle Phil."

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