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~March 28, 2006~
"Do we have to leave so soon daddy? I barely got to play with Uncle Logan," I whine clinging to Uncle Logan's legs. Uncle Logan softly chuckles, patting the top of my head. "You know I love you kid, but I do have something I gotta do." I look up at Uncle Logan pouting before slowly releasing my grip around his legs. Taking a small step back, I smile real big, my dimples showing.

"I guess I'll just have to have fun without you then Uncle Logan." Laughing loudly, he bends down to leave a gentle kiss on my head. "Be good kid. I'll call you later." I will. Love you Uncle Logan." "Love you too kid." Smiling at him one last time, I turn to my dad. "So, where are we going Daddy?" "Not sure yet smalls, but we'll figure it out along the way." Shrugging my shoulders, I skip over to Baby and climb in, slamming the door shut behind me.

After buckling in, I turn to Kimmy whose sat coloring. Turning my attention to the front when the doors open, daddy makes a silly face at me after slamming the door shut. "Have you figured out where we're going yet daddy?" Uncle Sam laughs, giving my dad a teasing grin. "Yeah, Dean. You figure it out yet?"

"Shut up Sammy. And no smalls, not yet. But Uncle Sammy is gonna be researching while we drive." "Okay." Slipping off my shoes, I kick my feet back and forth, being careful not to hit the back of the front seat. I hum along softly to Led Zeppelin as it plays softly throughout the car.


I tiredly rub my eyes as we pull into the motel parking lot. Feeling my eyes begin to drop again, I quickly jerk them open. Watching my dad go into the motel lobby, I send Uncle Sam a small grin as he looks at me and Kimmy. He lightly chuckles, leaning over the seat to ruffle my hair. Sending a small glare his way, I swat at his hands and he chuckles again.

"Easy flower." Sticking my tongue out at Uncle Sam, I turn my attention to my dad as he climbs back into the driver's seat. Unbuckling my seat belt, I quickly climb over the front seat and snuggle in my dad's lap. Resting my ear against his chest, I feel my eyes begin to drop again while I listen to the rhythmic sound of his heartbeat. He keeps an arm around me, using the other one to drive.

I feel Baby come to a stop and after a few seconds, I hear my dad open the door. I open my eyes, going to climb out of the car when my dad gets out with me still in his arms. "Grab Kimmy Sammy. We'll come back for the bags after getting them in bed." Resting my head on his shoulder, I close my eyes again smiling softly when he begins to hum. He pauses his walking for a second to unlock the room door, before pushing it open with his foot and making his way inside.

My dad bends down slightly to pull back the covers, before placing me down and pulling them back over me. I open my eyes, smiling tiredly up at him and he lightly chuckles. "Goodnight smalls. I love you." "I love you too daddy." He kisses my forehead, before turning to head back out the door. Rolling over, I snuggle deeper under the covers sighing softly at the warmth. Before I know it, my eyes shut and I fall into a deep sleep.

~March 29, 2006~
My eyes begin to flutter open as I begin to wake up. Slightly frowning, I sit up looking around the room before finding my dad sitting at the table. He sends me a small smile before turning his attention back to the computer. "Good morning smalls." "Morning daddy." I lean back against the headboard, turning my eyes to Uncle Sam as he draws. Kimmy is leaned against his arm, watching the pencil go across the paper.

After a few minutes of silence, daddy finally speaks up. "All right. I've been cruising some websites. Think I found a few candidates for our next gig. A fishing trawler was found off the coast of Cali. Its crew vanished. And, uh, we got some cattle mutilations in West Texas. Hey!" Watching as Uncle Sam finally stops drawing, he turns his attention to daddy as I quietly giggle.

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