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Kenzie Mitchell, Miami Beach Florida, 11/12/2012

"My fucking nose hurts."

My whole life I've known my friends, trying to give a good face at them the whole time, trying to have new ones, I stopped being a cry baby when Cassidy gave me a teddy rabbit. I stopped crying and caring about the bruises that Debbie did. I started talking with them, even if at the beginning I couldn't talk entirely with them.

The self-confidence that arrived when Jake kissed me disappeared immediately when that bitch hit my nose.

I swear that I was going to kick her weird-ass when Jake and Emma grabbed me by the arms, the feeling was awful, it was like they rather be on her side instead of being in mine when it was obvious who started the war.

The bleeding hasn't stopped yet, even when it happened one hour ago, and I hate the feeling of a nose bleeding; it's humiliating.

Now we're sitting in the sand, looking at the sea, I took off my shoes, waiting for the bleeding to stop so I could walk on the sand feeling the water of the sea in my feet. But I keep waiting.

"You earned it," Jake said.

"Sorry, what?"

"Skylar has been tolerating you for a very long time, and the only thing that you've been doing is to treat her like shit."

"She's so damn stubborn; you can't blame me for my actions."

"She's my friend, like you."

"I thought that we were going to become a couple..." I said with a weak voice.

"I thought it too," Jake said. "But you're not the same girl that I kissed yesterday, and I think that I might regret it."

"Then leave!" I screamed throwing sand at him. "It's Skylar or me, and if you chose me, you'll stop talking to Skylar's friends."

"I'm sorry Kenzie," he said standing up, leaving me bleeding in the sand.

He was the only good thing that was in my life. My best friend lied to me, and the other girls stopped talking with me for a very long time ago. Without another thing holding me together, I broke.

Depression Saga: The Crystal Shards.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang