2 // a very strange place

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Cold, a first word came out from Yoongi's mouth. He open his eyes. He can't see a clear vision. It's very hazy, and he can't see what in front of him.

But, what make he feels extra weird is he can't feel pain on his body. He can't feels nothing at all. The last time he feels that pain is during he cut himself in a toilet.


" I cut myself? " Yoongi checked a marks on his hand. It's still bleeding. A blood still rushed out from his veins.

" I'm screwed up. I can't even kill myself " Yoongi slap himself.


He feels no pain at all. He is confused.

He slaps for a second time.


Nothing? There's really no pain?

" Am i immune to pain now? " Yoongi asks himself again. He lift his hand for a third time, to slap himself again before a cold hand grab his hand to stop him.

" What are you doing? " a boy look really done with him already.

" I can't feel the pain " Yoongi answer him, he still frowning and confused.

" Even my wrist not hurt " Yoongi shows his bleeding towards a boy. A boy eyes widen.

" So you also try to committed suicide? " a boy asks him again, with an annoying face.

" Yes, but maybe it's a failure. I'll try again " Yoongi looks down and disappointed.

" What do you mean by fail? You're currently dead. I'm Jimin, and i'm your guardian here, in afterlife. But, it seems like you have a little problem, and if you could solve them, i'll take you to a judge, so he can decide if you're better in a hell or heaven " a boy explaining to Yoongi what is really happen.

" After what? " Yoongi unsure about a things that he heard just now.

" Af ter life " Jimin repeat, he got annoyed. Yoongi really have no clues about what happen to him.

" So it's mean, i'm dead? " Yoongi still keep asking.

" How many time do i have to tell you - " Jimin stop. He sorted out his chest, and keep his mouth shut. This boy really test his patience.

" Yes. You dead. Congratulations? " Jimin pat Yoongi's back. He never met someone like this before.

" So, i can sleep without any nightmare now? " Yoongi smile happily. He shakes jimin's body, and jump a little.

" You still want to sleep? Here in afterlife? Haha " Jimin smirks and shake his head. He really cannot believe a boy in front of him now.

" Why? " Yoongi sighed.

" It's been 200 years since my last sleep. I don't know if God will let you sleep after this " Jimin smirks. This boy need a lesson.

" 200 YEARS? HOW CAN YOU - " Jimin closed Yoongi's mouth with his little hand.

" Can you please shut up? Everyone here is being sad. Why are you happy? Aren't you think about your parents, your family? " Jimin talks firmly.

" They delete me from their life. So what is a meaning of living? " Yoongi happy face turns gloomy. Think about his abusive parents only make he feels moody.

" Ah, sorry to hear that. But, you commit a sin, and i have to send you back into a world. You die without love from anybody, so God decide to put you back in the world, be someone guardian, and make him fall in love " Jimin talks without stopping a bit.

" God want me to live again? In a world? Can he just let me sleep for a while? " Yoongi nagged. He's unsatisfied.

" No, a person that can see you is only a person under your care. Don't worry, it's not a hard task, maybe? But, if you failed, you're going straight to hell " Jimin look bored and talk in a flat tone to Yoongi.

" Ah, send me as soon as possible. I'll do it. As long as i can sleep after all this thing done " Yoongi sighed again. Everything not like what he's planned.

" You'll be back into the world in 3, 2, 1 - "

𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 [ 𝐦. 𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢 𝐱 𝐣. 𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 ]Where stories live. Discover now