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A/N: Welcome to the first shot of this book! Just a fair warning I have no idea how the adoption process works but I hope you enjoy...

Tony Stark stands outside the small orphanage. He notices the decaying bricks of the building and the tall ivy vines like snakes crawling up the side. He starts to have doubts about his reason for being here but he remembers what Pepper would have wanted and with a deep breath enters the building.

There's a long hallway that stretches far from the front door to other parts of the building on the ground floor. To his left, there's a rather tall staircase and at the very bottom of it sits an office of sorts. He walks over to what appears to be Mrs. Greene's office told by the bold font across the door and enters the room after knocking. He is instantly greeted by a young-looking middle-aged woman with a warm smile that reaches her eyes.

"Ah, why hello Mr. Stark we've been expecting you." She holds out her hand and tony takes it, they both give mutually firm handshakes before Mrs. Greene has them both take a seat across from each other at her desk.

"So how can we be of service to you today?" She asks, fidgeting with some of the office supplies on her desk.

"Well, I'd like to look into adoption after the sad passing of my wife and thought doing it locally was the best option for me." Suddenly Tony remembers everything that happened, the horrible accident that took Peppers life and begins to question himself. Am I really ready to do this? Take the life of another human being into my hands again? Give them every ounce of love that I have to offer? To give them the love that they deserve?  Yes, yes I can because it's what Pepper would have wanted for me, a family.

"Well, we can certainly help you with that, do you have any question before we go meet the children?" She gives another one of her signature smiles while looking through her desk drawers for some adoption forms.

"How many children are here? Out of curiosity," Tony asks, trying to get more of an idea as to what he's about to walk into.

"Well, we have two infants, four toddlers, three children, and one teenager." The last one catches Tony by surprise. How long has that kid been here? Why doesn't he have a home yet? Why don't any of them have homes?

"How olds the teen?" Tony asks now thinking that maybe a teenager could a perfect fit for him.

"He's fifteen on the verge of sixteen." Tony can see the hope glisten in Mrs. Greene's eyes, hope that maybe someone will take this poor kid home.

"Can we start with him?" With that Mrs. Greene nods and bounces out of her chair to the door. She leads Tony upstairs where she tells him the children sleep and play. They pass a few doors cracked open and Tony catches glimpses of small children either playing or taking naps. They all look so happy despite their current situations. Each child here has a sad story to tell but they don't let it get the best of their childhoods, instead, they make friends and play and this makes Tony smile. They eventually reach the final door of the hallway and Tony finally realizes the names on the doors to all of the rooms. Some doors have two or three names while this door only has one. Peter P.

"Peter?" Tony asks, pointing to the name on the door and Mrs. Greene nods.

"Peter Benjamin Parker. He's been with us about six months now after his Aunt tragically died, No family left and not a decent soul to take him home and keep him. The poor kid, he's an absolute angel, hell he helps me out with the other children more than the other adults around here." Hearing this kids story fills Tony with a type of sadness, one that he can't really explain. He looks back to the name on the door and it somehow looks different now that he knows some of what this kid has been through.

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