3.Sensery Overload.

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A/N: I've seen quite a few of these shots and decided to write one of my own...

I've had this killer headache all week, it's been growing in intensity every day that passes. It feels kind of like knives stabbing my brain or screws being drilled into my skull and I know all too well what it means, I'm due for a sensory overload any minute now. I'm supposed to let Mr. Stark know when these headaches start but he's been so busy lately and I don't want to bother him with something that I can handle on my own.

I wake up and start the day with a warm shower in hopes that it will help soothe the ache of my skull. I then get myself ready for the day. Believe it or not, I don't hate school, I like to learn and hang out with friends, the only thing I truly hate about school is Flash.

I make sure to pack the noise-canceling headphones and blacked out eyeglasses that Mr. Stark made special for me in case I do end up having trouble today but I can do nothing but pray that my senses hold out till I get home today and can deal with the overload properly.

I leave my small queens apartment and head down the street towards school. I make it to the building and to my locker without any trouble but once Flash spots me right before class I internally groan and prepare for the worst.

"Sup Penis Parker, thought you'd ditch me before first period?" I choose to not respond and instead head off to history class not giving Flash the satisfaction of acknowledging him which would prove to be a mistake. This angers Flash to the point of running up beside me and shoving me into a row of lockers, the impact is hard enough to bend a few of the metal doors.

"Hey, you listen to me when I'm talking to you," Flash says pointing at me and walking over to where I fell to the floor. As he towers over me he grabs the front of my shirt and pulls me toward him. Flash is close enough to my face that I can feel and smell his breath and it all becomes too much. 

All of a sudden my senses dial to a thousand, I can hear things miles away and smell everything at once. The lights become unbelievably bright and my clothes feel scratchy against my skin as I feel every single thread woven in my shirt touch me. It's all too much, my senses overload big time.

I manage to push Flash aside due to my super strength and make a run for the bathroom in hopes to get some privacy. I run into the biggest stall and lock it before I find a wall and slide to the ground. I open my bag as quickly as I can to find the headphones and glasses to help put a stop to my agony. To my shock horror, I pull out a tangled mess of broken headphones and a pair of shattered glasses thanks to Flash shoving me. No no no is all I can repeat to myself before I bury my head in my knees. I try some breathing exercises but nothing helps. I silently cry to myself on the bathroom floor of the school, praying for it all to stop.

Then my phones go off with the name Mr. Stark flashing across the display screen. I shakily grab the phone from my bag and press the answer button.

"Hey kid, what's going on? Karen messaged me that something was wrong," Mr. Starks words pound against my skull as my super hearing betrays me. I look down at my watch and silently thank Karen for notifying Mr. Stark. I go to reply to him but before I can my senses dial-up again and I drop the phone as I cry out in pain and frustration. I fight the urge to pass out but eventually, the pain becomes too unbearable and I feel the world slip away from me as everything goes dark.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

I wake up to bright lights and a lingering headache of what happened earlier.  I quickly realize I must be in the med bay due to the white walls and smell. I attempt to sit up but I feel so heavy and exhausted that I just fall back to the mattress.

"It's about time you woke up, I was starting to worry." I finally manage to sit up and turn to see Mr. Stark sitting in a chair next to the bed. I go to reply to him with a snarky remark but I'm stopped when the lights make me wince. 

"Oh, sorry about that Pete, FRIDAY please dim the lights to med bay room five." I sign in relief as the lights dim and I feel my tensed muscle relax.

"Thanks, that feels so much better," Mr. Stark doesn't say anything for a minute.

"Why didn't you tell me when the headache started?" I look between him and the floor, carefully thinking about my answer. 

"I knew you were really busy this week and didn't want to bother you. Plus I thought I could handle it on my own but I guess I was wrong..." I keep my eyes glued to the floor. Mr. Stark adjusts in his chair and looks at me.

"Hey, you never have to worry about bothering me kid, I just want to help you whenever I can. I know this 'superhero' stuff can be hard especially for a teenager. Just know that I'm here for you whenever you need help, ok?" I nod in return, knowing that someone has my back like that gives me comfort. 

"Ok, then why don't we get you something to eat?" Mr. Stark says as he raises from the chair and stretches. I climb out of the bed and stretch as well before we head out to a diner down the street that we both like. Mr. Stark gives me replacements for the headphones and glasses and notifies me to the fact that he has plenty of extras if I ever need them. Ever since that little talk in the med bay, I never hesitated to contact Mr. Stark if I needed help and every time he kept his word and was there for me. 


A/N: So I've just accepted that this I probably how long most of the shots will be if I don't get lazy. You better have enjoyed this one because I had to rewrite it twice due to saving complications and that basically sums up my life at the moment so bbyyee... until next time...

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