5.Rough Day.

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A/N: This chapter briefly deals with bullying and has a small fight scene fyi...

Let's just say Peter hasn't been having the best day. He woke up to a killer headache most likely due to the loud music their new neighbor has been playing. But Peter was determined to not let this affect his day, instead, he got up and headed to the bathroom to get ready for school. Once Peter discarded his pajamas he turned the shower on and was greeted with freezing cold water. He tried everything he could to get warm water but every time it failed.

"May? Why is there no hot water?" Peter yelled down the hall.

"The landlord said the building's water heater is being replaced but we should have hot water by tomorrow," May yelled back. Peter now had two options, he could either go to school filthy from yesterday's day of patrol or brave the cold water. He chose the latter. 

After the shortest and coldest shower, Peter has ever taken, he got dressed and grabbed his things before leaving for school.  The walk to school was nice until it started to rain and Peter forgot his jacket but he was too far into the walk to turn back so he was soaked by the time he reached the school building. Peter was immediately greeted by his best friend Ned, but the joy he felt at seeing the familiar face quickly dissipated when he saw the frantic state Ned was in. 

"Dude, you do not want to go in there," Ned said, holding his arms out to hold Peter back from entering the building.

"Why?" Peter was now both curious and worried. What on earth is Ned talking about?

"Uh, it just that Flash did something terrible so please don't go in there." Peter gave Ned a questioning look before pushing past him and into the large building. As soon as Peter walked through the main entrance everyone stopped and stared at him before starting to laugh. That's when Ned handed Peter a flyer for him to understand what's happening. Peter looked at the paper and felt like crying. The flyer had a crude picture of him doing unspeakable things and on the bottom read Penis Parker. He had two options, he could either breakdown in front of the entire school or he could continue on with his day and act like everything was ok. He chose the latter.

Peter got through the rest of the school day managing to avoid Flash and only getting a few laughs and stares from strangers. Now was time for patrol, Peter's favorite part of the day. A time when he can truly be himself and help people, what's not to like about that. He ran to his favorite ally and webbed his backpack to a dumpster before getting in his suit. 

"Good afternoon Peter, there is a robbery happening about three blocks away. Figuring out the fastest route now." Peter followed Karen's directions and started his day of patrol. Peter quickly lost track of time and before he knew it it was almost ten o'clock. He turned to head back to the ally with his backpack when he heard screaming.

"Karen, what is that?" He asked as he started swinging toward the screaming.

"It appears to be a mugging." Peter picked up his speed and landed in an ally where a large man was trying to steal a woman's purse. Peter sprang into action and tried to web the bad guy to the nearby wall but to Peter's surprise, he was out of webs.

"looks like we'll have to do this the old fashion way." Peter ran at the larger man with full force and managed to punch him square in the jaw. The man was knocked back but quickly regained his balance and started throwing punches at Peter. Peter blocked and dodged as many punches and kicks as he could but the man eventually got a punch to Peter's face and a knee to his abdomen. This knocked Peter to the ground which is when the man took his chance and beat Peter up to make sure he wouldn't get back up again. After what felt like forever the man finally gave up and ran leaving Peter bloodied and alone in the ally. 

At this point Peter let everything go and softly cried to himself. Everything that had happened throughout the day finally caught up to him and he could do nothing but let everything out in his tears, his frustration, his sadness, his inner pain, all came to him at once. He slowly got up and sat down against the ally wall. Peter just sat there and let the tears fall not caring if anyone saw. Then he heard the all too familiar sound of Iron Man's suit shortly followed by footsteps.

"Hey, kid you alright?" Peter turned his head to see the familiar face of Mr. Stark emerging from the darkness of the ally.

"Oh, hey Mr. Stark..." Peter said quietly as he continued to blankly stare at the wall across from him. Tony cautiously walked over and sat next to Peter letting a comfortable silence befall them before speaking up.

"Rough day?" Tony asked after seeing the rough state the Kid was in and Peter let out a light chuckle while letting a few more tears slip down his cheeks.

"You can say that again." Peter let his head fall to Tony's shoulder and the two sat there for what felt like forever. Tony let the kid cry and comforted him as best he could. Eventually, Peter fell asleep after being overcome with exhaustion so Tony picked him up and flew them both back to the tower. He called May and told her where peter was and then went to tuck Peter into the guest bed. Tony new the kid needed a break and he was determined to give him one. 


A/N: Ok I know this chapter sucked but I was kinda running out of ideas... Anyways sorry I was gone so long I've been like super busy lately and I'm not used to that because I don't normally have a life. I promise to be back as soon as possible! P.S. This chapter was in no way based on how my life is going at the moment (jk I'm falling apart).

Ok that's all for now, bYe!

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