4.Grey Hairs.

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A/N: This chapter is based on another one-shot I read, I can't remember who originally wrote this idea but I'll give credit where credit is due. So enjoy my take on it! Also, this takes place a few months after Tony died in endgame...

Happy was busy doing whatever the head of security at Stark Industries does when his watch went off notifying him of Peter's location and that the spidey suit had been activated. Happy took a moment to call the kid.

"Hey Happy, what's up." Happy's first red flag was the fact that Peter sounded out of breath.

"Peter is everything ok? Why are you across town in the spider suit when you should be in school?" Peter took a moment to think of his answer.

"Um, I can explain I'm- whoa -I'm on a field trip." Happy instantly called BS but decided to interrogate the kid some more.

"Why would you be on a field trip to an ally in the middle of queens? And why are you out of breath?" Peter cursed to himself but decided to keep up the lie in hopes to get Happy off his case.

"It's a famous ally, some famous guy died here, and I'm out of breath because I was late and had to run here, so, yeah." Happy rolled his eyes at the kid's poor excuse, lying wasn't one of his strong suits. Happy then went to say something in response to that but was cut off.

"Hey Happy I actually have to go but I'll text you later, bye! Ok, bad guy, you're going down!" The phone call then cut out. Happy dropped what he was doing and followed Peter's coordinates to the middle of queens. When Happy rolled up to the ally he parked the car in the street and got out just in time to see Peter web two bad looking guys to the wall and their black duffle bags.

"Peter!?" Peter turned to see an angry Happy standing a few feet from him.

"Happy! What are you doing here?" Peter asked in a mock surprise.

"Me!? What were you doing?" Happy just seemed to get angrier by the second.

"Well, I was in English when my watch went off saying there was a robbery and the police hadn't been dispatched yet. I couldn't just let them get away," Peter explained.

"Come on, get it the car," Happy demanded as he headed back to the driver side door. Peter quickly jumped up and ran to the car after leaving a note for hopefully the police to find.

"Where are we going?" Peter asked as he got in the backseat of the car and Happy drove off.

"I'm taking you back to school where you should be. Now, get changed, we don't need you're entire school knowing you're spider-man." Peter mumbled a response but obeyed and got changed. They spent the rest of the car ride in silence and when they arrived at the school Peter mumbled a "goodbye" before leaving the car. Happy watched Peter walk into the building and then headed back to the tower to finish his work. Happy remembered Tony complaining about the Kid giving him grey hairs, be he also remembered his saying it was worth it.


A/N: This was a shorter one but hey finally a Peter and Happy one! I'll probably do more Happy and Peter shots but Idk at the moment.

Please send in request!!! I could use some ideas...

Also the question of the day, what's your favorite Marvel Movie and why??? Let me know!!!

P.S. I'm leaving to go to my family's cabin this weekend and we don't get internet there so I probably won't update for a while, having said that, ByE.

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