9.Spider Bite Pt.2.

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I woke up the next morning next to the toilet, still laying on the bathroom floor. I put my hand up to my head in an effort to stop a growing headache as I sat up against the wall. Everything that happened the day before came back to me all at once and I started to panic again. I looked to my hand but the nasty swollen looking bite that was there yesterday had vanished. I stood up but no longer felt a fever or nauseated, in fact, I felt better physically than I had in a long time. 

I left the bathroom and headed to my room where I heard my alarm for school start to go off. After I turned the alarm off I grabbed a set of clothes from my dresser and headed back to the bathroom to shower. I decided to ignore what happened last night and go to school to get my mind off it. I took my clothes off and just as I was about to get in the shower I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. In awe, I turned so I was in full few of the mirror and noticed the changes to my body. I seemed to have gotten in shape overnight while laying on the bathroom floor. I admired my body for a few minutes and flexed some of my new muscles before snapping out of it and finished getting ready. 

I was ready and out the door within ten minutes and started jogging towards school unknowingly. I felt lighter and quicker on my feet than I ever have before, getting to school had never been this easy. Once I entered the building I was greeted by Ned who was understandably upset. 

"Dude, what the hell happened to you last night? You can't just call me, sound like you're dying and then hang up! And why do you look different? What's changed?" Ned was looking for answers but I wasn't sure if I should tell him about last night or the recent changes I've experienced as of late. 

"Ok, I'll tell you if you promise to not freak out ok?" He nodded so I continued.

"I was at Mr. Starks lab yesterday when I was bitten by this radioactive spider. I went home and felt like I was dying for the better half of the night and got scared so I called you but I didn't want you to worry so I hung up. Anyways I'm all good now, I'm actually really good." Ned stood there taking the information in and trying to make sense of it.

"Are you sure you're ok because what you just said sounds crazy." I roll my eyes and Ned takes it as an answer and carries on.

"Ok, we're ditching school and taking you to see Mr. Stark." Before I could protest Ned grabbed my arm and started leading me out of the school. 

We walked downtown towards Stark Towers and arrived in about half an hour which was a new record for both of us. Ned was out of breath and sweating but I was perfectly fine which I was still getting used to. We started to head into the main lobby but were stopped when my hand wouldn't budge from the door handle. I tried to open my hand but my muscles wouldn't obey so I tried pulling and again nothing happened.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Ned asked now that he was aware of my situation.

"My hand's stuck," I replied and Ned looked at me funny.

"What do you mean your hand's stuck?" I was getting angry now.

"It's stuck, Ned! Look!" I whisper yelled as I demonstrated pulling my arm again and as suspected nothing happened. 

"What do we do?" I told Ned to go get Happy from the lobby. They were taking forever to get back so I tried the whole pulling thing again and as if my day couldn't get any worse the door broke free of its hinges and fell to the ground as my grip gave way. It shattered into a million pieces of glass and everyone stopped to stare at me. I quickly ran into the building's lobby being careful not to touch anything and found Ned and Happy in a matter of seconds.

"Peter, what's going on?" I could tell Happy wasn't happy being summoned by Ned and me.

"Well my hand got stuck to one of the lobby doors and I pulled so hard it came off of its hinges and it fell and broke...someone should clean it up." Now Happy really wasn't happy with us.

"Tony is waiting for you upstairs, now go before I make you two clean it up." Ned and I didn't need to be told twice. We made our way up to the tenth floor which was the living area. The entire way up I was dreading our talk with Mr. Stark. 

When the elevator door dinged and opened Ned walked out first and I reluctantly followed. We found Mr. Stark sitting on the couch in the living room watching tv. Ned cleared his throat to make our presence known and Mr. Stark turned off the tv and walked over to us.

"Hey kid, Ned, is everything ok?" When I didn't answer Ned did.

"Yes something is very wrong, Peter tell him or I will." I looked from Ned to Mr. Stark and then decided it was now or never.

"Ok fine, yesterday when I was in the lab by myself that radioactive spider you had on your desk bit me and now a bunch of weird things keep happening to me." When I finished my sentence I expect Mr. Stark to be angry or worried but he just kept his blank stare.

"Interesting..." Is all he had to say.

"Interesting?! That's one word for it! I've literally gone through hell in the last twenty-four hours and came through with these weird abilities and that's all you have to say!" I was angry now but I listened for Mr. Starks response.

"When you say abilities?" He questions.

"I mean that I magically have abs and muscles and I now stick to things and have super strength." Mr. Stark took a moment to think before dragging me to the labs where Bruce was working and sat me down in a chair in front of him. 

"Do some tests on him, blood test, fitness test, and get back to me." Just like that my day was spent as a lab rat for Bruce and Mr. Stark. We would later find out that my DNA got mixed with the spiders DNA which was why I was so sick for a while and that I had multiple new abilities. Mr. Stark would later admit that he suspected something was up when he found the spider dead in the lab but he said he'd known I'd be fine. 

The months to follow consisted of me adapting to my new life with powers and even adopting the alter ego of Spider-Man. Ned, of course, knew and eventually told our friend MJ but they helped me keep it a secret and Mr. Stark introduced me to the avengers who helped me train and get better at having the life of a superhero. So yeah life's good that the moment.


A/N: Helllloooo! sorry this took so long but my family went away for the weekend and it was fun. I do apologize for it feeling a little rushed at the end but I didn't know how to end this one. 

Thank you guys sooooooo much for over a hundred views, love you guys (insert kissy face and red heart emoji here). 

I promise I will still update but with school started idk how frequent... so until next time, bye!

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