7.The Funeral.

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A/N: ok so this is a sad one dealing with death...

The last week has been the hardest week of Tony's life. He just spent it locked up in his lab drinking himself away. He knew it wouldn't have been what Peter wanted for him but he didn't know what else to do.

"Sir Ms. Pepper Potts says it's time to go." Tony dropped the tools he was holding and cleaned his hands with a dirty rag. He walked over to the door where his suit jacket hung on the wall. 

"Thanks, FRIDAY tell her I'll be up in a minute." As Tony headed for the door something sitting on his desk caught his eye. He made a detour to his desk where he found a few pictures of him and Peter. After what happened Tony gathered all the pictures he had of the two of them and brought them down here, it helped feel like Peter was still in the lab with him sometimes. Other times he'd just look at them and cry thinking of all the ways he could have saved Peter. After glancing at all of them Tony picked one up and stuffed it in the inside pocket of his jacket before finally leaving the room and heading upstairs.

When he entered the living room Pepper was sitting on the couch in a beautiful long flowy black dress with some silver and black jewelry accessories. Her hair was held back in a long ponytail and she looked stunning as ever. She stood up and walked over to Tony and wrapped him in a warm hug, not daring to let go until Tony slightly pulled away.

"Are you ok? Are you ready to do this," She asked. Pepper of all people knew how close Tony and Peter had become, what they had was an unofficial father and son relationship and it broke her heart just thinking about how happy the two used to be together. They'd work for hours in the lab helping each other out, movie nights were Pepper's favorite, they'd even throw a ball around in the parking lot behind the tower sometimes. 

"As ready as I could ever be," Tony said with a sad smile. The two headed down to the lobby and out the front door of the tower to a small car waiting to take them to the funeral. Tony didn't want any unwanted attention driving a limo or a super expensive car to the funeral so he settled on the most civilian looking car he had. It didn't take long to arrive at the funeral home and once they got there they parked the car and headed inside.

They were greeted by a tired-looking May but who can blame her, she did actually just lose her son. She was wearing a tight black dress that was shorter than Peppers but an appropriate length. She left her hair down in messy but neat curls and held on tightly to the shawl draped over her shoulders. 

"Tony, Pepper, It's so good to see you," She said giving them both a small hug.

"Thank you for coming it would have meant a lot to Peter. He is-," She paused and noticed her mistake and corrected it before continuing. "He was always talking about you two and the tower. He seemed happiest after a day there with you guys." She finished with a sad smile and then looked to the ground in an attempt to hold back tears. 

"Thank you for inviting us, we wouldn't have missed this. And for the record, he'd talk about you non stop most days," Tony stated and May gave him another small hug and whispered a "Thank You" in his ear. They talked for a few more minutes before they entered the small room where the service would take place. Surprisingly there were only a few people seated in the four rows of seats in front of the casket and podium. Ned sat in the front row next to May who had taken her seat already. A girl that Tony could only assume was MJ sat in the row behind Ned and May and five more people that Tony didn't know sat in the seats on the other side of the room.

"Where is everyone?" Pepper asked.

"May was Peter's only family and Ned was kind of Peter's only friend," Tony whispered back. It was now time for them to pay their respects and go up to the casket. Though Tony could see Peter laying there from where he stood this whole thing still hadn't sunk in yet, It wasn't until he was alone standing right next to the lifeless body of Peter Parker that he almost lost it. 

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