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A/N: Ok so this one has a few of the other Avengers in it because I can do that...

It all started out as a team-building exercise but no one knew just how far it would go. It began with Steve dragging everyone to the training room after Bruce AKA The Hulk and Thor got into another fight.

"Ok, so it's obvious that we need to get this whole arguing and fighting with each other thing under control, so, any ideas?" Peter instantly raised his hand and Steve called on the excited teen.

"What if we did a team-building exercise? Like, play a game or something?" Steve thought it was a brilliant idea and took a moment to think about it.

"Maybe the kids onto something," Tony chimed in while the other avengers scoffed at this. No one in that room wanted to be stuck playing something as stupid as a game with each other, which was kind of the problem.

"What about a game of Tag? We could work on team-building and also some other skills like stealth?" Natashas added and everyone seemed to like the idea and that's how it all started, right there in that room. There was a conversation about who would be "it" first and everyone eventually agreed on Natasha since it was her idea to play tag. They then came up with the rule that you are "it" once and after you tag someone you're done with the game, the last person left who hasn't been tagged is the winner. That was the only rule set in place and that would prove to be a mistake. After that everyone left the room and the game began.

Natasha decided to wait for a little before choosing her target who eventually ended up being Clint. The next morning she snuck her way to the kitchen and found Clint eating cereal at the island in the middle of the room. He didn't suspect anything as he went to take a bite of his cereal but was stopped when he heard a whoosh sound and felt something hit his neck. He grabbed the tranquilizer from his neck and read what was on the side of it, You're It, before passing out in his cereal bowl. 

After Clint woke up about three hours later he set out to find a victim, he hated being "it". He quietly and carefully rounded each corner with his bow and arrow ready to fire at the first person to cross his path. He found his way to the garage where Tony was practicing flying his suits and trying out some new upgrades. Clint made sure to keep out of sight as he aimed his bow and shot an arrow which hit the back of Tony's suit. Clint quickly ran off as Tony grabbed the arrow and read the paper attached to it. You're It.

Tony already knew who he wanted to tag. Ever since the game started Peter had been bragging about how his spidey senses would be the reason he'd win the game. No matter what Tony was never going to let the kid win this game of tag, he's just competitive like that. 

Tony walked up to Peters room and slowly opened his door. He found Peter sitting on the ceiling reading a book and listening to headphones, facing away from the door. Tony slid into the room and locked the door in case Peter tried to run. Tony walked over to Peters desk and looked for something to throw at him and decided on a small paperback star wars book which was big enough to catch his attention but not big enough to do too much damage. He took aim and chucked the book at Peter which managed to hit him in the head. It startled Peter to the point of falling off the ceiling to the floor. As Peter groaned in pain Tony cautiously walked over to him and knelt down beside him, placing a hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Sorry, Pete but it looks like you're it now." With that, Tony patted Peter's shoulder and left the room leaving Peter's super healing to fix him up. It took about ten minutes for Peter to get up and start his mission of tagging someone. He thought about his options and decided Steve would be his best bet, not wanting to anger Bruce or Thor. Peter look at the clock and realized Steve would be starting dinner soon which would be his chance. 

Peter made his way to the kitchen when he hears the clatter of pans and starts to smell dinner. Peter looked around the kitchen to see Steve with his back facing him. He tiptoed slowly around the kitchen trying to make as little noise as possible. When he got close enough he reached out and slapped a hand on Steve's shoulder yelling "You're It!" before running away back to his room. He'd later find out that he startled Steve to the point of cutting himself while cutting up an onion and needed stitches. This should have been the end of the game but they had come too far to not have a declared winner. 

The next day Steve stumbled upon Thor watching tv in the living room and went to end this game once and for all. Steve just walked up to Thor and tapped his shoulder and said "You're It," the just walked away like it was the easiest thing he'd ever done. This enraged Thor to the point where it didn't matter if Banner had won he was going to get him. 

Thor made his way to the labs where he found Bruce working on something that looked complicated. He grabbed  Mjölnir and started to conjure up a massive thunderstorm. This caught Banner's attention and he turned just in time to see Thor command a huge lighting strike toward him. The blast blew up the lab Banner was in and destroyed a good portion of the building. After a minute The Hulk rose from the smoke and fire and the two started fighting again. The Hulk punched Thor while Thor just continued to throw Mjölnir at The Hulk. They fought until they heard someone yelling from across the room.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!" Thor and The Hulk turned to see the rest of the Avengers and a yelling Tony near the entrance to the labs. 

"We were playing the ritual you called Tag," Thor stated matter of factly. It was apparent to everyone that this game had gone too far and they had just ended up where they started, all of them fighting. Everyone started yelling at everyone else, blaming different people for taking it too far. After a while, some of the avengers started to leave and left Tony to yell at The Hulk and Thor for destroying his lab and the building he paid for. After that incident that later became known as the "Tag Explosion," the avengers never did a team-building exercise like it again.


A/N: So this chapter was pretty long and kinda inspired by the movie Tag, I thought it was a fun idea for a chapter so there's that. I should let you know I'll take any request if you have them. Hope to see you next time I update, Bubyee.

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