Bestfriend (KathNiel) 11 (2)

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Chapter 11 (Part2)


"Be right back, Im heading to the bathroom."I said

It's very hard to spot where the bathroom is at night but thank god I have my phone with me so that I could use the flashlight.

I turned it on and spotted the bathroom just as I was about to walk in when someone grabbed my waist and i know it's my cue to scream. I screamed as loudly as i can until this person covered my mouth putting me to sleep.

I woke up feeling weak as ever. I look around me hey this isn't my room and why is my hand and legs are tied?! what happen? oh nevermind.

"LET ME OUT!!!!!!" I screamed

I heard the door opened and a man came in and Nicole. Wait, NICOLE?!!!!

"Nicole?" I whispered

"She's awake, now what" the man mumbled.

"Leave it to me.Leave"She smirked as she pointed the door.

The man sighed and leaft

"Well, kath you should probably know by now why you're here." She laughed 'evily'

Her laugh reminds me of witches on scary movies. ya you know what i mean. hahaha

"No actually, no" I said acting dumb.

"Acting dumb, eh." She walks toward me and grab a fist of my hair making me jump.

"Nicole, stopp! just stop." I cried

"No bitch! don't you know what's like to lose someone you really love!!!" She boomed

"Back then, Dj and I were such a cute couple that everyone loved but then you came and ruined everything..-

"Past is the past Nicole, move on! And what has to do- "I said but she slaps me ,oooh the pain

"Move on!?!! let me show you how kath." She smiled there was a hint of evil making me gulp.

She grab the knife and walks towards me as she started feeling it with her fingers.

"Don't worry Kath, this won't hurt I promise." She giggled as she raised the knife and before she could stab me the phone rang



She dropped the knife and picked up her phone.


"Oh Dj" she turned to me

"Noo I haven't seen her"

"I don't know what your talking about"


"I really am"

"I don't where is she!!!"

"Im not acting dumb!!!"


"Heres the address!!! 4748 Lanai, don't bring anyone else but you"


"where are we, oh" she picked up the knife

God, please protect me.please, then the phone rang again making her groan from fustration.





"Bianca are u serious!! it's like right next to the cabinet, idiot!"


"You know what. your lucky i haven't killed you yet, bcause I will later." She smiled and left.




"Kath!!!!!" I yelled running to the bathroom.

She wasn't there but only her phone was lying on the ground.

"KATH!" I cried!!!


I arrived at the hotel im staying in and barg in my door to see khalil and enrique doing there own thing.

"bro what happen!" khalil said

"met a chick" enrique sneered making me grabbed his collar s i pinned him to the wall

"bro calm down" khalil comforted me.

"back off, bro" I growled

"what's wrong" khalil asked

just then julia and miles came in looking worried

"why isn't kath with you!??"

"have you seen kath!!?"

"where is she"

"Shut.the.fuck.up" I yelled making all them jump.

"she's been kidnapped! all i saw was her phone on the ground!"

"let's call the police" said enrique still pinning him at the wall.

"not helpful" miles argued which i agreed.

"who do you think would do this to her???" khalil asked

"Shit! who else. nicole." julia rolled her eyes.

Nicole. That's right. who could have be. she hates kath!.

"genius!" enrique chuckled as i punch him in the face

"not funny!" i growled as they grab enrique and sat him at the living room.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Nicole's number.


"Do you know where kath is"

"Yes you do!"


"don't act dumb on me"

"you have her"

"right now"

"Nicole where is she!"



"Bye Im heading out!" I yelled

"Eat first!" Julia called

"Not hungry!!!" I slammed the door making my way to the address where Nicole told me.


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