Day 0 - The challenge is almost on!

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Yep. Tonight is actually Day zero as I have decided to really start tomorrow.
I haven't been on a scale for a long time and I've no idea how much I weight!
Pretty scary 😱

Okay, let's keep this for tomorrow morning.

Today I have splurged on Nutella and bread, Lay's Thai flavor chips, cheese - to dip the chips in! -, some butter cookies and milk chocolate.

Yeah, I know, as if the Nutella was not enough chocolate intake. Uhmm.

Why am I starting this diet?
Well, actually I was doing pretty good since 2 months ago. Okay, it was far from being perfect. I was binging from time to time. But overall, I was happy with my body size.

And then, at the end of June, I have decided to end up a relationship with a big fat liar 😥
Can't believe I'm sharing this with you.

I met him last October and we've been dating since. When I met him he told me he was living like a roommate with his girlfriend, and the only good thing that happened between them was their two daughters.

I thought: ok, they are sharing the place where they live because they are agreeing on the terms of the custody.


They just never agreed on a real break up. His girlfriend never wanted nore agreed on a break up. So he never was single! But still, he was dating me, telling me he loved me and lying in my face about how he wanted to live with me and have a baby with me.

And this is super hurtful since I was just ending my marriage. My husband left me overnight to go live with... his mother! Can you believe it?!

So, well, two big liars in a row.

No wonder I put on so much weight on to protect me.

But I deserve love, be loved and I hope to meet a nice authentic man soon. But I feel like shit right now...

Time to wake up and be fabulous again!

Yeaaahhh... that said, I'm so nervous. My plan is to detox my body from all the sugar and fat I've eaten in the past two months...
Starting... freaking tomorrow!
So: veggies, fruits and soups are on the menu.

Go girl!!!!

Challenge: How to lose 20 kilos?!Where stories live. Discover now