Day 5 - Healthy body, healthy mind.

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Alright, so yesterday in the afternoon I went for a walk around 5PM.
As I walked, I passed through boulangeries, Starbucks, ice cream shops, saw people eating and all that was terribly tempting.

It was 6.20 PM when I arrived home and I was starving, not physically but mentally. I wanted junk food, I wanted bread, chocolate and biscuits.

I entered a grocery store and looked for those food... "dead food" as Jon Gabriel calls them. And then I see leeks, tomatoes, fresh brilliant veggies and I immediately thought: "I want to make a soup!"

I love to cook and preparing a meal is the best distraction I could think of while waiting for dinner time.

My mind and my hands were busy for a solid hour and I had at the end a delicious soup, full of vitamins and nutrients.
I was so proud of my creation and enjoyed so much the process that I've totally forgotten I wanted junk food one hour ago!

The receipe is the easiest possible, you can see the ingredients you need on the illustration pic:
- 1 leek
- 1 onion
- 2 carrots
- 1 tomato
- 1 zucchini
And that's it!
I personally like to add ginger (lots!) and curcumin (tons) with a dash of pepper.

The instructions are the simplest:
Add chopped vegetables in boiling salted water. Cook, stirring, for 20 minutes until tender. Mix it all. Ready! Serves 4.
But it actually serves just me 😜


I am single, that's a fact but I surely don't feel alone nor lonely. I feel good, whole and I don't need a guy to "complete" me.

It's something Umberto said on the phone the other day: "I want to complete you."

But you know what? I'm good. I'm already full! Haha.
I'm filled with peace, love and energy.

I may I've felt desperately empty in the past, empty of love and self care and I though that only the love of a man could change that feeling.

I am enough.
And truth is, this feeling of strength is coming back now that I'm taking care again of my food.

Being overweight leads to being depressed plus you don't eat vibrant foods and vitamins when bingeing, you just eat cardboard!! That makes your body sad. It struggles with processed food but it's happy with a plant-based diet.

An other important point. I'm less obsessed with "what am I going to buy and eat to fill that void of hunger and unhappiness?"
I perfectly know which foods I want to pick.
I mean, I always knew.
I just needed to hit that healthy road again. For good.

Oh and on the bright side... way less expensive to eat healthy!!

As Jon Gabriel suggests, I visualize myself thin, fit and fab. He says: "Let's first start with the mind, and then the body will follow".
Dunno if it's a magic trick but through visualization, certain chemicals will take place in your brain and change what your body wants to eat. Naturally, effortlessly.

In April, I did with my life coach an hypnosis session to lose weight. And it worked! My goal was to be fit and slim for the opening night of my play. I had a very precise image of me, walking on stage, being awesome, skinny, self-confident and I experienced all this!

Problem is, my visualization stopped at this opening night date. One week afterward I had zero motivation anymore.
I literally took back every single kilo.

May my experience help others.

So now I imagine myself thin on the very very long term and in peace with food, bathing in serenity.

Jon Gabriel talks about "real foods" and the importance to add them to our diet... like, hello! "REAL" foods?!
Sure, he's so damm right. When I'm in a period of binge-eating, I put stuff in my body through my mouth but that is certainly not real food, it's "things".
This man is a genius.
I'm in love! 😁😍

Oh, by the way, I did a visualization today that we would work together! 🤞🤩

One other thing.
The beauty of visualization is that you can do it by yourself, like self-hypnosis, wherever you want,  whenever you want.
You don't need anyone to guide you or to be there in order to do the session. You are free, not dependent and you just take care of yourself.
No need to book an appointment and pay an high amount of money!


Umberto called today. He wrote me a POEM!
It was honestly great, fun and let me speechless.
And when he read it to me in Italian... oohhh unbelievable. Sooo beautiful to listen to.
He seems like a fun, sweet nice dude!

And tonight I've been watching the best Hallmark movie ever: Rome in love! It has to be a sign!!! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹

Lunch: this amazing homemade soup and a bowl of steamed broccoli with soy sauce
Dinner: carrots, cherry tomatoes  homemade soup.

Hold on, am I Seinfeld's soup nazi?!!? 🤣🤣🤣

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