Day 7 - I've lost 4 kilos, yay!

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After 6 days of detox, I've lost 4 kilos.
I've been eating mostly soups, veggies and fruits, but not so many in the very last days.
Honestly, I feel great, full of energy.

Regarding Umberto...
Yesterday he sent me a pic of a cute little girl and wrote as a comment: "I'll make one like this for you."
We haven't even met, dude!
So I called him and said how I felt. I felt discomfort but I said we just should take the time to get to know each other for real.

Haven't heard from him since.


So, I guess there is no rush to lose 10 kilos in a month anymore! Noooo, I'm joking.
That doesn't change anything. On the contrary, it's even a better situation.
I didn't feel anything for him like I felt for Richard, for instance.

Haven't heard back from Brad either.
What a disappointment!

Yep, I'm pretty angry. That's why I hate online dating. Guys think they can show up, promess the moon and then disappear overnight.

The only good thing is I made it for my detox. It had been only 6 days but I'm as hungry as before, I haven't cheated and I'm pretty happy with the 4 kilos lost.
I am definitely not obsessed about food anymore and don't crave any food, actually!

And that's a pretty amazing achievement for only 6 days!

Tomorrow I'm leaving Paris to go to the beach and I can't wait.
Still angry with Umberto though.

Time to meditate. With Jon Gabriel!! Yay :)

10 PM. Why am I so upset? Why is this guy I've never met annoying me so much?
Because one more time, I feel rejected.
I feel I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy, I'm not loveable.

My lesson of all this? I'm done with online dating for good.
I hate this shit where people can ghost you as if you were not a human being.

Oh, and of course, right now, there's nothing I want more than chocolate and cookies to anesthetize my emotions.


Tomorrow is another day.

It's okay, it was just not meant to be.

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