Day 2 - Umberto... Oups, I did it again

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Oh no.
Hey Britney S., Oops I did it again!

Okay, I'm telling you what happened but not totally my fault.

I was chatting on a dating app the other day with a cool guy, super tall, loves sports, funny. But we live far from each other, he's already been in a long-distance relationship (me too, sucks) and I haven't heard from him since.

An another dude named Umberto, yep, Italian, arrives and tells me typical Italian things starting with "Ciao Principessa"...
Truth is, I am weak when it comes to Italians. I love them, love the language, love the accent, the culture.
He's not exactly my type physically speaking (not tall, brown hair and eyes) but I don't care because I'm overweight, right?!

After 2 days of okay-chatting, he asked for my number. I gave him so we can chat on WhatsApp. But right afterwards I was like "Noooo, why did I gave him my number to this random dude?! What I've done?!?"

We chat and he asks for more pics. No way. Annoying.
I tell him I don't like to send pics and after a while, he seems ok with it.

Then last night... (I still did not send a pic but he saw my profile on WhatsApp, a professional Photoshoped headshot from when I was hot...!!)... and... last night he called. And not sure how or why but I did answer.

But the thing is we talked for more than 5 hours.
I said "Insane", he said "magical."

He's from Sicily, he has strong family values, looks for a serious relationship, has the best accent ever, he's positive and funny.

The tricky part is he's going away for one month for a big vacay and wants to meetup when he's back.
One month.

In my head, I'm wondering, can I be ok/fine and lose enough weight in just one month?
Is he a motivation?
Should I meet him?

I'm seriously overweight and I'm sooo glad he's living today...
But then I don't want to lose weight in order to meet him because if I'm disappointed, I'll have a revenge binge right after meeting him.

And many things can happen in one month. He can meet someone else or the magic of our sudden connection can disappear. He can too disappear. Like my husband who disappeared overnight one and half year ago.

Alright. We'll see where that goes. But honestly, even if that goes nowhere, I had so many great laughs last night and even if I don't know the dude, I smiled and if he is who he says he is, there is still hope, girls.

He enters my life at a right moment, when I shifted my energy from hopeless and angry to let's hope and see who else is there.
No magic, just made it happen.

Lunch: bowl of soup (the zucchini-broccoli one), 1 kiwifruit, 1 nectarine.
Dinner: bowl of Asparagus soup and... 16 asparagus.

Haven't been especially hungry today. I did meditation on "I effortlessly absorb nutrients".

Umberto sent me several messages in the afternoon but I didn't want to reply right away and I also was pretty busy at work.
He just arrived in Saint Tropez for 2 weeks, so...

The nice thing really is that his "appearance" into my life makes me smile a lot.
Even if I don't like him when we meet or if he doesn't like me or if we never meet, this is forever a precious free gift from one human (him) to another human (me).

Keep the faith!

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