Day 8 - I kinda failed

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Well, what happened?
Last night I was feeling sad and upset about Umberto, about my Mom and a client.
I was weak.
Truth is I had so much to do yesterday I skipped lunch.
Always a bad idea.
And I was hungry when I went to sleep.
So, after my light dinner  - only meal of the day - , I had three Greek yogurts, many cashews and way too many chocolate squares 74%... superfood for the brain, apparently.

At the end I guess it's not that bad but my impulsive rush scares me a bit.

Someone else's behavior leads to anxiety that leads to eating!
I can do better than that!

It appears so clearly to me that the response to avoid this fatal mechanism is love, I mean self-love!

If I'd love me, I wouldn't care at all whether a dude sends a texts or not. I just wouldn't even notice he didn't write or call today.

More importantly, I would not punish myself by eating dead foods for not being good enough...

That realization makes me even sadder. 😔


I've talked to my life-coach and she suggested that maybe he lost his phone. Haha no way, I see when he's online and the last message he sent on WhatsApp.
Nice try.

So she said: you can either ask a casual "What's up?" and if/when he replies send him a pic of my vacay
decide he's just a loser who doesn't deserve me and continue to trust myself.

I'll go with my option: I'm not saying he's a loser, I'm waiting and see... what he had in mind for being so silent. What's his explanation? I'll do nothing and wait for him to make a move.

I give him 3 more days. If the fourth day I still haven't heard from him, I'm done and I'll never think about him anymore and won't mention him in my thoughts.
I'll decide he was just a waste of time.

Until then, I forget him.
That simple.

I think it's a good plan. 🙂

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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