ACT ONE / first meeting

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i lieeed about this being updated every week, because i'm bored and band camp is taking up less time than i thought :))


A few days later, you were still hiding in Dalmary. The Holy Knights had yet to arrive, probably figuring that you had died from your supposedly grave injuries. You couldn't say you were disappointed; on the contrary, you were relieved. You knew you would be able to take Hendrickson in a fight, maybe even Dreyfus, but both of them at the same time and with a legion of knights to back them up lowered your chances of victory significantly. You needed some kind of back-up if you wanted to even survive.

Dalmary was large enough to where, as long as you didn't associate with too many people, you could keep a low profile. Of course, a few people knew your face, like the doctor and a few store owners, but you weren't too worried about them.

You were walking around town one day when you saw people clustered in small groups, whispering to each other and staring off at something to the side. You picked up your pace a little and gasped. A giant girl with brown pigtails and purple eyes sat in front of the doctor's office, staring into the top floor window.

You slowly approached. "Excuse me, miss?"

She looked down at you, her brow furrowed in concern and her mouth set in a line. "Who are you?" she asked, her tone suspicious and her hands tightening around one another.

You introduced yourself, bowing with a hand over your heart. "Are you waiting for someone?" you asked as you stood upright.

She kept staring at you, head cocked to the side. "My friend is injured," she said. She gave no further explanation and continued looking through the window. She looked troubled. "He's going to want to go to Baste Prison right away once he wakes up, but..." She shook her head and began to get up. "I can't let him do that."

"Do you require any assistance?"

Her attention snapped down to you and her eyes narrowed. She crouched and got up in your face, scrutinizing your expression. You kept your stance neutral, not wanting to alarm her or give her cause to attack. "Why do you ask?"

"Lady Diane!"

A girl with long silver hair and wide blue eyes ran toward her from the entrance to the hospital, a pig following alongside her. Your eyes widened as you saw the girl, and when she made eye contact with you, she let out a gasp. Her mouth opened to say your name, but you put your finger up to your mouth.

"My lady, please, not here," you said, looking around you. Elizabeth caught your meaning and she nodded. The giant, whose name you now knew to be Diane, glanced between you and Elizabeth. "Where have you been? Are you hurt? I heard from the town that you had ran away soon after I left."

"The Holy Knights arranged a coup d'état and took my family prisoner," she explained. "Father insisted I run away before they came." She took your hands in hers, looking at you with concern and relief in her eyes. "I'm so relieved you're alive! We were told that Sir Hendrickson and Sir Dreyfus had ordered your arrest and execution, but that they were unable to capture you--"

"I'm lost," Diane said, cutting into your conversation. She crouched to get to your height. "Who exactly are you, and how do you know the princess so well?"

You rubbed your temples and explained everything that had happened, trying to keep it concise. Of course, you didn't quite understand all that you were explaining, but it seemed that the two girls (and, oddly enough, the pig) got the gist of what you were saying. It also lined up with what Elizabeth had informed you of.

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