Mayotta's dorm

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All might: We have a extra dorm so you will stay there. So while the investigation is going on you will be safe
Mayotta:ok I don't really have any clothes. I've been wearing Deku's clothes. So what am I going to wear?
All might:We will provide you with school uniforms and I'm sure some of the girls would love to go shopping with you. You will also be put in the general studies course.
Mayotta:Is that the class with deku
All might:no sorry he is in the hero course.
Mayotta:ok can you show me to my dorm.
All might:yes of course.
    *Some time later*
Mayotta is in her dorm. She calls deku.
Deku:I know everything. All might told me. I'm excited for you to start classes.
Mayotta:I'm not in your class.
Deku:I know but I think you'll have fun.
Mayotta:yeah but I don't know anyone. Plus how am I going to explain were I am from?
Deku:hmm I don't know how you could explain.
Mayotta:I start tomorrow so We'll see how it goes. 
Mayotta: How are you and Todoroki doing
Deku:well now that everyone knows about our relationship, we have been alot more open about the whole thing.
Mayotta:by the way sorry about outing you and him I just was scared and I...
Deku: don't worry about it.
Look I got to go. Todoroki is calling me.
Mayotta:ok bye deku.
Mayotta sits down on her bed. There are no covers only a couple of white sheets and a pillow. She lays down and thinks about what will happen tommorow. She eventually dozes off.

Boku no hero original Character (Mayotta Rosea)Where stories live. Discover now