Yumi shimura

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This the back story for character that will be in the story. It was not written by me it was written by my friend Abby. So enjoy

            Yumi was always a quiet child, unless she was with her older brother Tenko Shimura. They had always been super close, especially because of the abuse from their father. On Yumi's birthday he gave her a necklace and told her to never take it off, as he has a matching bracelet for himself.

One day their father had just 'punished' Tenko and Yumi tried standing up for him unlike the rest of the family. It turned out bad and they ran outside taking comfort in their dog who Tenko was clutching onto, when all of a sudden the dog disintegrated. This scared them both, then their sister came out only to be scared by the disintegrated dog by her brother and she went running, he tried to grab her but accidentally killed her too. Then he hugged Yumi scared, but for some reason nothing happened to her making him sigh in relief thinking it was over, but then it happened to their Mother and Grandparents on accident too. That was when their father came out and started to try and get away from him swinging a rake at the two. Yumi wanted to be like her brother and help him, so she hoped for the best and reached out grabbing the rake, and it ended up disintegrating too.  Tenko looked at her realizing he had a quirk like his, then looked to his father with a murderous look in his eyes. Then before they knew it, their whole family was dead and it was only them two.

They continued on the streets and working with their quirks, they found out that Tenko would destroy anything he touched with all five fingers whether he wanted to or not. Yumi could destroy anything she touched but only if she intended to and with any finger or fingers, so her quirk was much more controlled than Tenko's.

They kept going only having each other until a man called All For One took them in. He blamed what happened to them on society and changed Tenko's first name to Tomura, and changed both of their last names to his own, Shigaraki. He then gave Tomura the hands of all their now dead relatives. After a few years All for one gave Yumi the quirk to make and control fire so she was more powerful, and used her and Tomura to do some of his dirty work.

Eventually Yumi still believed in good and heros, so the first chance she got, she ran but still wore that necklace everyday and always remembered the love she had for her brother, but she knew she needed to go. She now was on her own with no family, not even her brother. She decided to keep her last name as Shimura and went to the police station and got put into foster care.

She got adopted by Aizawa the pro hero 'Eraserhead', and worked everyday to become the best hero she could, then when the time came, She was accepted into class 1-A of the best hero school U.A. Even with her life turning out pretty well, she missed her brother everyday. She always wore her necklace and kept the last picture she had of him and her together with her.

         At least now she has people there for her. Her best friends are Bakugo and Todoroki, she is a member of the Bakusquad, she has her dad Aizawa, she has her uncles Mic and AllMight, and she has her Boyfriend Hitoshi Shinso, she also has a cat named Kyle.

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